Fight Your Demons

First Published on 13th May 2022

First Edition 2022 

Unchaining Freedom Trilogy - Book 2

Fight Your Demons: Procrastinating Your Inner Healing 

How do you fight your demons? They don’t want to die, or be forgotten or have their power taken away. You must show up to this war. You must not run away from the overwhelming and potential intimidation of loss. You must never give up fighting the battles you will encounter here. You see, it is a war that has nothing to do with the physical, material or even emotional world we live in and know to some extent. Writers from around the world come together to bravely show you how fighting them with even the barest minimum strength is better than remaining stagnant, how the very war you find yourself in is the fight for your soul and how using your voices is the only consistent way out of the maze of darkness.

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