RIMS Workshop 2020

Problems and Prospects in

Analytic Number Theory


Takashi NAKAMURA (Tokyo University of Science)

Hirotaka AKATSUKA (Otaru University of Commerce)

Zoom Environment Tremendous Assistant (ZETA):

Yuta SUZUKI (Nagoya University), Toshiki MATSUSAKA (Nagoya University)

Date: November 24 (Tue) -- November 27 (Fri), 2020

Place : held by ZOOM

The hints of the ID and PW are as follows. It is strictly forbidden to inform the outsiders of the ID and PW and to post them on web sites or social networking sites.

The meeting ID is ZZZ 4176 2832, where ZZZ is the 165-th prime number. The PW is \lceil 100 \gamma_1 \rceil, where \lceil \cdot \rceil is the ceiling function and \gamma_1 is the smallest positive imaginary part of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function.

On November 26(Thu), from 7 pm to 9 pm, we have an online banquet with the ID and PW given above.