I know this leaked a while back and I'd be very interested to read it. I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone can help out with that. I've also heard the script for Halloween Ends is out there somewhere and be interested to read that as well. Anyway, thanks.

The leaked script would have probably made a better movie, but the green mist makes a better adaption since it is less intrusive. I felt the green mist only showed up from time to time in the film, and caused some rearranging to the order of events, but I feel like if the leaked script had been filmed, very little from the book would have made it into the film.

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If anything was a pack of lies it was the press-release that they put out to denounce the script as a "very experimental draft" that was never supposed to see the light of day. The existence of concept art depicting scenes from it and the fact that they were using it to cast roles indicates it was much more "proper" than they let on. That so many significant chunks of it (both whole scenes and general essences of scenes) remain in the final movie also tells its own story.

Ugh, i would have hated a film based on the leaked script. It may have been a better film, and i may have liked it, but not as an adaptation of VDT. As an adaptation, it would have been horrendous, and i'm grateful it never made it to theaters.

BUT, as much as I know that I might get in trouble for saying this, but they could totally reuse some of these ideas for SC, especially 'cause they'd make more sense there. I have few doubts now that VDT and SC will have attached plots, but may they not be as bad as the leaked script looks! I can hope, can't I?

Wow, this actually made me like the leaked script over the film. I mean, it is still terrible, but it made way more sense as a story, and had way more connections to the books, even though they should not have been made in the first place. But what they basically did after hearing the terrible reactions to the leaked script, is change some details, so that the fans would shut up, while they just got their way. The movie turned out to be worse because of this.

I especially liked the dark island scene in the leaked script. It sounds very interesting, and much more like the book. Instead of having a huge battle, it would have been more like the book. And the Caspian/Ramandu's Daughter romance would have been much better if she actually would appear in various moments throughout the movie.

Neither of the version are a very good adaptation. I would prefer the leaked script to what we got because maybe we could made it better looking cutting out random things like Lucian romance (well, one sided romance) and stuff. We could have a really cool looking fan edited movie. But with this we have barely anything to work with and it is too fast paced.

After seeing the film multiple times, and now after reading the plot for the leaked script, I am content with the film as is. As I've said before, changes are necessary when adapting a book to film, -they are just less necessary than Hollywood would have you believe. I think that VDT would have worked fine as the episodic adventure that it is. There was no need for villains, darkness, or anything of that sort.

I agree that in the current version of the film the Lone Islands were ruined, but in the leaked script it looks like the Lone Islands were ruined anyway, without much reason. The beginning of the story only affects the end of the story (the underwater battle, which was made up by the filmmakers anyway), and does not serve to tie together the episodes on the other islands. The Dark Island plot does tie the episodes together, and does not delve into other chronicles in order to do so.

For a while I was thinking that much of the leaked script sounded better but I think I've changed my mind (you made some good points MA). If they went with the leaked script they might as well have called the movie the Voyage of the Silver Chair or Voyage to the Silver Chair or Voyage of the Dawn Treader and the Silver Chair. The plots would have been basically identical: People disappear and end up under something, people are enchanted, enchantments are broken, oh and missing family members. Seriously, we have already had enough deja vu in this franchise to last us a while. I think I would have preferred the Bern in the leaked script, but as MA said Narrowhaven was ruined in both scripts so it doesn't make much difference either way. I think the enchanted slave traders and glowing green eyes were just a bit much. It takes away from evilness of the characters if they are enchanted when they are doing things. Pug is clearly a villian - the earthmen in SC are not. As much as I hate to admit it, I find it easier to understand how the slaves got to where they were rescued from in the leaked script than the movie. Actually, it is more I can understand how they are found / have survived. Wait, I think I'm being to understand the dark island appearing in boats thing a little better. Now that I think about it, it isn't far off from what I imagined the dark island to be from reading the book. In the book, we don't know how Rhoop survives and in the movie we don't know how the people in the boat survive. In other words, much is unsaid in the book so why shouldn't there be some unsaid stuff in the movie? If I remember correctly when we were discussing views on the Dark Island, we ran into some problems with how some of us picture the dark island as kind of intangible and not truly an island and I think there might have been talk about Rhoop either swimming all that time or inhabiting a boat. I could be wrong and I'm too lazy to go and dig up the thread. How those people managed to survive without going insane like Rhoop I still can't figure out.

Good! They didn't combine VDT with SC in the end! I would have been heart broken if they did because although that script sounds good, it would probably have killed SC or made the story weeker because LoTGK's snake identity would have already been known/guessed! Although the crew member going to Aslans country would have actually made sense in the current story line, and explains beeter why Reepicheep would want to leave narnia (I know it is 'his strongest wish' or something like that, but that would be confusing for non-book readers who saw PC, because Reepicheeps is more of a warrior than an adventurer (?) )

Also, I should like to have seen Aslan more, and him in Coriakins house would've been cool!

On Feb. 4, 2023, just eight days from Super Bowl LVII, a Twitter user posted a picture of a final outcome for the game, which showed the Philadelphia Eagles edging out the Kansas City Chiefs by a score of 37-34. The caption for the tweet read, "Nahh someone leaked the SuperBowl script."

In an episode of the "Macrodosing: Arian Foster and PFT Commenter" podcast from Barstool Sports, former NFL player Arian Foster had played along with a comedy bit about how the NFL was "rigged" and that he would receive "scripts" for how his seasons with the league would play out.

PFT Commenter: It's funny. Before we started taping, Arian was telling me about how the NFL is rigged and how every year he used to get a script. Day one of training camp, it would get dropped off at his locker, and you would have to, you know, it was like, week one you'll do this, week two you're going to have a hamstring injury, week three this is gonna happen, week four you're going to get three touchdowns, and so, then you just have to, did you memorize those before the season started or would you go and rehearse the script before every game?

Foster: Oh, we're really dedicated to it, so it was moreso like, that's what practice was about, it was about practicing the script. This is what goes on and this is what we have to do, in order to...

April Julia is albino, which means her hair and skin are paler than pale, and she's legally blind. She is a writer--of memoir, personal essay, fiction, screenplays and TV scripts--and a music fanatic, a science girl, an occasional dabbler in the metaphysical and a person who watches copious amounts of TV (read: way too much), for writing insights of course.

From what i saw of the leaked script it looks like it was the basic outline for the game we got, most of which of course is good. It's still unclear about what their plans were for the ending at the time that was leaked though.

But stuff like Mephiles getting a random reappearance when he's more or less effectively been made non-canon, connections to the VR Sonic stuff that leaked seems dubious at best to me, and I don't see a reason why they'd completely remake and alter Infinite's backstory from being a test subject for the ruby that Eggman created. If it was Episode Shadow - they could've easily had a still in testing Infinite attacking Shadow without full control of his power and getting his ass kicked, or if it was Mania, there's no real reason why Eggman wouldn't create a test subject to see if he could make the Phantom Ruby's power usable by a specialized person.

But stuff like Mephiles getting a random reappearance when he's more or less effectively been made non-canon, connections to the VR Sonic stuff that leaked seems dubious at best to me, and I don't see a reason why they'd completely remake and alter Infinite's backstory from being a test subject for the ruby that Eggman created. If it was Episode Shadow - they could've easily had a still in testing Infinite attacking Shadow without full control of his power and getting his ass kicked, or if it was Mania, there's no real reason why Eggman wouldn't create a test subject to see if he could make the Phantom Ruby's power usable by a specialized person.

Anyway, it's kind of a shame that this leaked script is almost identical to the final. There doesn't seem to be much of actual substance that's different, aside from the phantom ruby having not always been the phantom ruby. That explains some of the weird details in Forces, like the prototypes and it needing an outside power source; they make perfect sense if it's some device Eggman invented himself rather than a magic rock that jumped dimensions. Seems like tying directly into Mania was a late addition and they basically just did a find/replace on the macguffin to try and justify it. ff782bc1db

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