If you're primarily interested in viewing the file instead of editing it, Ansifilter will convert it to HTML, which you can then view and at least search in your browser, or RTF if wordpad would be good enough (hard to imagine). Huh, looks like there's a notepad++ plugin version on the download page, too, so that might be perfect if it allows you to load into notepad++.


However, while it highlights the text in the correct color, it leaves the ANSI codes themselves in there (in a faded, near-background color) which probably will mess up any alignment formatting in the file, as well as making it harder to move around the file (lots of "empty space" to wade the cursor through, searching for a word won't match if there's an ansi code in the middle of it, etc.). There's a patch it can take advantage of to hide the codes too, but that would require patching and then recompiling vim itself from source.

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I am having issues with some files in automated processes, specifically with batch files and sql files. Visual Studio seems to create these as UTF-8 rather than ansi and adds some kind of special characters to the beginning of the file (I think this is a called a pre-amble) This breaks running batch files and running swl files through osql.exe. I have had issues myself in the past in creating text files using C#, but can get around that through encoding. However its seems a bit strange I cant use Visual studio to create batch files and sql files in a database project for automation.

I have two windows open - one in editor mode with some SQL, bash, etc and the other in ansi-term. I want to mark my text and then execute it in the ansi-term window. Yes, I could make a shortcut involving copy paste but I was curious if there was anything canonical. Copy-paste also forces me to switch out of terminal mode and into editor mode in ansi-term

the ansi files used in Royal TS are in a special format used to "play back" the session. When you select an ansi file in the dashboard you will see by default the text representation (without the escape characters) in the lower part of the dashboard: 0852c4b9a8

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