Simulations with high-order schemes of tranSport and TurbulencE in tokaMak


The SISTEM project aims over the next four years to successfully achieve the strong scaling-up of plasma simulations in view of the fusion operation in a tokamak of unprecedented size, and with stringent plasma conditions.

The effort will be twofold :

- enhance numerical performance and capability of solvers resolving fluid models of high-fidelity (3D), in order to tackle a the inherent increase in the number of degrees of freedom needed by ITER simlations.

- enhance the reliability of low-fidelity models (2D ensemble averaged equations) that remain the only ones able to perform routine simulations prior to experiment, allowing us to vary engineering plasma parameters (power, pumping, …) as well as geometries of the magnetic equilibrium.

On one side, the enhance accuracy and geometrical flexibility of the Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method has the potential to satisfy a certain number of numerical issues, so as to progress towards predictive ITER simulations.

On the other side, we explore the development of various data assimilation techniques to improve the reliability of the turbulence modelling, which remaina major challenge nowadays for low-fidelity models.

All these challenging issues are addressed by 3 teams:

M2P2 / Ecole Centrale Marseille-Aix-Marseille University-CNRS

IRFM / CEA-Cadarache

LJAD / University of Côte d'Azur
