Why the Republic of Pahrump is a Traitor

Republic of Pahrump is a traitor

Written by MontiSte11

A written explanation towards the Republic of Pahrump's treatment of the Phester Dam Disaster from the point of view of the President of Phester Dam. 

Published 3/28/2024

2 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                                     Republic of Pahrump is a Traitor:

Hello i am the Phester Dam leader Moniste11 and i want to explain why ROP is a traitor. On 25.3.2024 SPARTA showed intrest in land and they ask ROP for land. ROP responded with the following:

The President never discussed with me, and he just gave them my land. Even though we are in a coallition for protection. Then i heard about that, and i said to SPARTA they cant take land like that. ROP can’t give land that they do not own. The war began and the Spartans declared war on me. I asked my allies from the coalition for assistance. I first asked the Eastdike United Republic, they responded with this:

I realized that the Republic of Pahrump had planned it. One day later, the Eastdike United Republic allowed volunteers to fight with the Republic of Phester Dam. The War begins 30.03.24 20:00 bg time. We are currently looking for volunteers.