The Trouble of The Court | Legalist Way

Court Legalism | AudioBook.mp3

The Trouble of the Court | Legalist Way

Written by Tom_Toodle

A manual of how courts should be run when being given under Court.

Published 3/23/2024

3 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

⬅️Audio Book (click play)

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                           The Problem with Court

The Court system is one used by real, and fake governments to "fairly" decide the consequences of somebody for their actions, if proven guilty. But, while this seems like a great solution for all involved. The problems are incredibly immense. First of all, due to low attention spans, many people will either decide to troll or not take it seriously, even if they are the ones who wanted a trial. Also, many people talk over each other, then complain about it, which creates an incredibly annoying situation. The Jury, is also sometimes ignorant or put in halfway through a trial. The judge could also be ignorant or biased. There is too much tolerance for these simple instinctive actions of disinterest and impatience. That is why Court Legalism should be added and used by all respective Anomic, Groups, Government, and clans for their decisionmaking.

Court Legalism Explained

Court Legalism is created by myself, Tom_Toodle. It has been different important factors and rules that go against the massive amount of foolish atrocities that have been seen in different Anomic courts. Legalism is defined as "excessive adherence to law or formula". Legalist scholars and philosophers believed that all people are naturally greedy, ignorant, and evil. So, Legalism would be put into affect in a government standpoint. I have made a version of this for court which makes everything strict, with little tolerance for mistakes. This is how you run a Legalist court. The Judge must first state that the court is beginning, that the person who speaks out of turn one time will immediately lose. This will make sure that these people go against there natural instinct to ruin the court for they will just immediately lose. The Judge must take the power. Then the Judge must ask what the prosecution will be prosecuting for this. Many people go off topic from these initial charges, so if anyone goes off task from THESE specific charges, you must stop them. Then it will go like this, you will tell them they will each get opening statements, 2 rebuttals, and a closing statement. This is for Roblox so you don't want people repeating the same thing over an over again. After the prosecution says their part, then the defense will say guilty or innocent. After that, they will both get their opening statements, then they are given their first rebuttal, prosecution then defendant, then the second rebuttal, prosecution then defendant, then the closing statements. Say NO objections, these are time consuming, they can wait for the other person to finish. The only objections are the Judge telling them they are going off-task. Then after all of this, the Jury or the Judge, WHICH SHOULD BE PRESENT FOR THE ENTIRE trial, make their descision. Make sure you double or make a much worse punishment if they do not comply. If they go against any of these rules, have possibly a singular warning, but don't show remorse or tolerance towards that behavior. Using Court Legalism has 0 downsides, the Court is steady, fair, strict, respected, and quick. So, it should be implemented by all groups.



-ROP case