Anomic in-game roles

Anomic in-game roles

Written by TheBac0nHa1rNum8er1

A in-depth explanation of all of Anomic's ingame roles.

Published 3/23/2024

7 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

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                                                     What is Anomic?

Set in a fictional place somewhere in the Nevada in the anarchic alternate 90s, you can drive a big variety of cars, own homes, work in many career sections, sell all types of goods in your shop, take over the county with a wide range of different weapons, and much more!

Since Anomic is a dark RP, it has a wide variety of weapons, vehicles, an economy and of course, jobs.

The following document has all the jobs listed in no significant order

(Advanced roles not added)

                                 ORDINARY ROLES

Cab driver: As a cab driver, ones job is to drive players around the map. Your job briefcase will have a taxi which can be used to take fares and get paid. While not the most profitable job, Taxi driver is a relaxing job which is really useful for RP or gangs as it has access to  public busses and school busses, both of which have high seating capacity. 

Paramedics: Paramedics are the saviors of Anomic. They have access to healing items such as medkits and health boosters. Due to their important natures. The Paramedic team is usually full. Combat revolves around the ability to bunny hop and spamming health and stamina boosters, and such, paramedics are often partaking in crimes. That said there are lots which would rather open pharmacies and make a profit or just help people in general

Truckers: A good way for beginners to earn in game cash due to its easy to understand nature. While a lot of the contracts are for flair and cash, the gas station delivery contracts will also lower the prices at the gas pumps. Making players grateful for your service while also putting you in risk in case there are people that want to watch others struggle. Players will need to buy a truck however using in-game cash from the team shop.

Deliverant: Their job is to deliver the cargo to players if they placed a delivery order. Orders made by delivery as opposed to pick-up are way cheaper and thus a better incentive for people that want to make a profit. The deliverant job will be available after 12 hours of in game playtime and they start with a job van have the ability to buy a delivery truck which can hold 6 crates at a time, the most out of any vehicle in game.

Civilian: There is not much to be said about the civilian role. As a civilian you have a modest pay, which can be used to buy a weapon or car. You are also free to explore the county of Anomic and its neighboring sights

such as Phester dam and Eastdike.

Car dealer/Advanced car dealers: Owning a vehicle in Nevada is a must. Car dealers can sell cars and repair kits to players. They have plots dedicated to their job. Advanced car dealers are the same as car dealers, with the now added advantage of being able to sell much better cars to players. It however costs robux to purchase.

Gunsmiths/Advanced gunsmiths: The most popular roles in Anomic and for a very good reason. Gunsmiths, well,  sell guns to players. The basic gunsmith role provides players with self defense weapons while the advanced one can provide with more lethal weaponry, including the popular AK. The advanced gunsmith, such as the advanced dealer gamepass, costs robux. It is however advised to purchase the bypass team cap game pass along with AG pass due to its popularity

Crafter: Crafters have the ability to sell tools which can help players survive the wasteland. From paint thinners, which can be used to overdose on or clean graffiti of your property, to lockpicks which can be used to break in secure facilities.

Criminals: Their job is to make the place as unsafe as they possibly can. With the lowest pay in game, criminals main mean of income is stolen guns and printing illegally. Criminals even have access to an superior version of the printer. Be careful however, as it’s the government jobs to locate and destroy printers. Carrying a printers will make you wanted and using a printer will make you an outlaw

Tow truckers: Their job is too clean Arway of any wreckage and lost cars and bring them to the Towing company. Upon the player returning to pick up their vehicle, you will receive a reward. Upon dropping off wrecked cars at the towing company you will instantly receive a reward.

                                                 GOVERNMENT JOBS

Sheriff: Equipped with a standard issued Beretta pistol, their job is too secure Arway and its surroundings They can also arrest outlaws and wanted using handcuffs and destroy printers using batons. They are also given a sheriff cruiser which can be used to drive around the map. Government roles have the ability to buy better equipment suited to the situation. Sheriffs are no different. They can buy:

Sheriff SUV ($1,800 - play time of 6 hours)

Riot Helmet ($390 - play time of 5 hours)

Door Ram ($2,100 - play time of 48 hours)

Sheriff Vest ($240) - play time of 3 hours)

Riot Shotgun ($1,380 - play time of 18 hours)

Riot PDW ($1,320 - play time of 36 hours)

Police Transporter ($2,460 - play time of 24 hours)

SWAT: The big boys are send in the vast nothingness of Arway when sheriffs aren't enough as they equipped with much more powerful guns, cars and tools which they can use to counter raids and conduct them. They have the ability to buy the following items from the team menu:

Tactical SMG (1140)

USSS SUV (2700)

Door Ram (2100)

Riot Shotgun (1380)

Police Transporter (2460)

Battle Rifle (2880)

 Safe Seven guard: As the job with the highest amount of cash that can be earned out of any role. Safe Seven guards are the definition of high risk/high reward. When players use the in-game bank. More money get added to the vault and truck. The truck and be used to deliver money to Atms around the map for a hefty reward. Beware of raiders however. As they also want the money from the truck. As such is it recommended to have an escort with you. You will also need to defend the bank from any robbers. However you will have help from fellow governments and even civilians as they want to practice their 2nd amendment. The team items they have access to include: 

PDW .45 - $1440

Bullpup Shotgun - $1650

Riot Helmet - $390

Mayor: The most important role in the game. The mayor has the power to control all government officers in-game. They have a large array of abilities which they can use, those are listed bellow:

A mayor can fire anyone as long as they are in a government role for $500.

A mayor can order a property cleansing when on a plot to allow government roles to use the door ram on all the doors on that plot.

A mayor can make an announcement which will be broadcasted to all the players.

A mayor can call in the military for $1000.

A mayor can pay $2000 to make it so that all citizens around him/her become wanted so that they can be killed/arrested.

A mayor can change the team limits.

A mayor can call all government roles to their location. This marks their location on the map, and does not teleport the government roles to them.

A mayor also gets a limo for free as a job item.

Upon the mayor being handpicked by the community in a vote, the US marshall team is activated and players can join:

U.S Marshall: They are tasked with protecting the mayor from harm. They can track the mayors location at all times as long as he spawned. This can both work with and against them as raiders can take advantage of this and track the mayors location at will.The U.S marshall can buy the following items from the team shop:

Tactical SMG ($1,140)

Door Ram ($2,100)

USSS SUV ($2,700)

As stated earlier, the mayor can call the military by a push of a button for $1,000 and the players that wish to join the team need 25 hours in-game:

Military: They are called in to deal with any threats to the mayor and as SWAT, to counter and conduct raids. They can also track the mayor, however they are a bit more loyal to the mayor as opposed to U.S marshall. They have access to the following items in the team shop:

ACH Helmet - $450

Humvee - $5520

Door Ram - $2100



-Tom_Toodle edited