Anomic Grand Prix explained

Anomic Grand Prix Explained | Audiobook.mp3

Anomic Grand Prix Explained

Written by Tom_Toodle

Anomic Grand Prix Explained has the intent to spread information on Anomic's leading racing organization, Anomic Grand Prix.

Published 3/22/2024

3 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

⬅️Audio Book (click play)

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                          The Starting Line

The Anomic Grand Prix is the most popular Anomic racing league. But, it did not gain this popularity quickly. It was started by its President Awaz and its Vice President Ace. It aimed to unite many Discord servers and clans under a fun league with a decent prize. With different advertisements aimed towards team owners and racers it would soon gain 9 teams by the start of the season. Some of the notable additions were The Republic of Pahrump, Confederation of Pahrump, and Hitman and Bodyguard service. The first race had almost 30 people in attendance with all of the racing teams present. How much each team practiced is unknown besides for both of the Pahrump nations having bloated about the quality of their respective racers. The race took a couple hours due to coordination and trolling complication. But, once it began, Hitman and Bodyguard services was immediately disqualified for cheating. Besides for that, it was a smooth race, with the Confederation of Pahrump winning by a massive lead. With the Republic of Pahrump coming in second.

        Halfway and Controversy

The Confederation of Pahrump, which rebranded to Anomic Sporting Events would continue to win the next 2 races. This is due to A.S.E's driver Somerand0mperson, who is a mysterious figure, known mainly for being, without question the best Anomic Racer. However, in race 4, the star racers and the backups for A.S.E were unavailable, so the owner had to race. This led to the controversy, with a couple of racers calling out the owner for "cheating" or "skipping corners", which was proven to be false by Awaz. But due to arguing, both teams were penalized, with A.S.E losing many points, only keeping a lead by 3 over The Northern Cartel for race 5. This created outrage inside the team, it is still unknown if Awaz's true intentions were to just make the ending closer, or for some other reason. This created a big roadblock in the middle of the perfect smoothly sailing league. With some people creating opinions over the seemingly fair and perfect league.

                               The Finish Line

At race 5, racer SomeRand0m person would, once again win by a decent margin, winning season 1 for A.S.E. But due to falling out with the team and its members, the once large and dominant Anomic Sporting Events team would dissolve. This leads a gap for a new team, possibly the Republic of Pahrump, or The Southern Cartel to step up and knock it out of the park like never seen before in season 2 of Anomic Grand Prix. Will Anomic Grand Prix come up stronger? Or will inactivity and controversy put it in the ground? We shall see.
