Mine would be: Natalie P.: imagine her gentle, slim figure as she is sitting elegantly on the toilet, her anus is opening as wide as a coke can to accomodate her solid thick turd, which has been saved up for 10 days. Imagine her gently releasing a hissing but endless gas from her bowels, as she is straining to push out her ridiculously large turd. Her belly is swollen up as if she were 6 months pregnant, but as the enormous amount of solid turds and gas passes her colon, her belly deflates. Her bowel movements are similar to Shellyna's. Imagine her attending to her movie galas, as she is standing on the red carpet while a knobby turd as long as her full colon capacity and as wide as a strong male forearm is bursts her anus apart under her beautiful gala dress. She is smiling to the photographers but her smile is mixed with an unbearable strain to hold her defecation urge back. She pulls back her belly to hide how enormously bloated she is, but the gas in her stomach gurgles loudly. The noise of the photographers, riporters and fans suppress the noise of her colon. As she smiles in the camrea and gives dozens of autographs and selfies to her admirers, under her silk panties, her sweet, groomed anus is spread to its limits - even pushing her butt cheeks apart. As she comes home her kids run to hug their mother. As she hugs them, she has to push her hip away from them, because the huging and the touches on her belly made her nearly unable to hold back the amount of gas in her. The knobby head of her stool is pocking out about 1,5 inches in her silk panties as she accompanies her kids to bed. By that point, she has serious difficultuies with walking, as her butt is spread to its limits. The Smell of it starts to escape from her panties and her expensive gala clothes, that not even her sweet parfume could hide, leaving an unspeakable scent in the bedroom of her kids. The smell of expensive silk clothes, strong parfume and the aroma of a woman's colon filled with 10 days worth of poop. At her bedroom she meets her husband. She knows she would be unable to have sex tonight, because her anus is so filled to its capacity that it creates a blockage to her vagina. She lets her husband to kiss her in welcome, who closers his body to hers. He feels her hard, poking nipples on his chest, feels the sweet smell of her beautiful hair, feels her pubis, but when he starts to move his hands closer to her butt, she gently pushes them away, discretly smiles and tells him she's tired and want a shower. Before he'd had the chance to notice the smell that comes under her panties, she gracefully walked in her bathroom and locked the door. To suppress any following noise and smell, she first turned on the extractor fan. After she removed all her beautiful clothes, she took a look of herself in the large mirror. She literally looked 6-7 months pregnant. Even under these circumstances, she was completely statisfied of how well she looks, even with her anus and butt cheeks spread apart by an immeasurably large turd, that was pocking out about 1,5 inches. She knew she won't be able to shit it all out so she pushed 3 suppository in the head of her stool. The urge to defecate hit her with such a pressure she let out a silent scream as her face distorted in pain. Her belly sounded like an explosion that repeats itself in every minute. She was still standing still in front of the mirror when se started to push with all her might, but neither her turd nor any gas started to come out. She squatted down above a towel when an other wave of urge hit her, this time even harder. Altough her stool didn't move, she started softly burping. She tried to put two finger up her ass to help it spread wider, but it was already in its limits, so she tried to put it in her vagina, but it was completely blocked too by her stool. The next urge hit her with such a pressure she thought her belly is gonna explode, she felt exactly like when she was giving birth: while squatting she grabbed the head of the turd (which was nearly as wide as a baby's head by that point) with both of her hands, she took deep breaths and grunted powerfully when she breathed out. When her turd started moving she immediately lift her ass upper. It started coming out quite fast, a minute later she finally birthed the 12 inches long and 6 inches wide turd on the towel. The moment the turd broke off, she started farting very powerfully: silent but long farts that lasted for minutes while her belly was gurgling, her legs were shaking and her vagina started to get wet, dropping sweet juice onto the enormous non-human turd under her wide open asshole. Her discharge flowed into her wide anus then she farted out it either. The smell of her 12 inches turd was unbearable, worst she's ever smelled, to the point it made her gagging, so she went to the toilet. She didn't vomit, but she was still releasing gas that made the bathroom reek - even with the extractor fan working. She sat on the toilet, massaging her enormous swollen belly, when an other large, smooth turd slipped out of her ruined anus. It was a 6 inches long, 2 inches wide turd - her normal bowel movement. As an other turd was coming out of her a wave of burning gas escaped around her shit. Her belly has deflated a bit, she felt quite empty now, so she flushed the toilet but her large shit clogged it. After 2 flushes it went down - still leaving a long brown sidemark on the edge. She throwed the towel with her 12 inches turd in the trash bin, then she put half a box of vaseline on her ruined anus (which was left wide open by the enormous streching) and she even pushed a large amount of vaseline inside her anus. By know she was able to put her entire fist up her ass. While she was showering the urge to release more gas hit her, so she squatted down, softly grunted, pushed, and suddenly an enormous wave of diarrhea which lasted for 40 seconds exploded out of her. Her enormous pile of shit was now flowing in the shower, with a huge mix of used vaseline and discharge in it. Her belly gurgled in the squatting position - she was familiar with it from the filming of Black Swan when she used to get constipated from her diet so she needed to squat in order to poop. When she was finished, she was feeling perfect and happy as she went back to her bedroom to make love with her husband - anally of course. She likes to get anally creampied then shitting out the sperm in the bidet.

4 was wearing black high heels and checked my iphone. Instead of the gush of pee I expected I felt a bump of air against the insides of my butt which was still half covered by my mini skirt: I could hear a 'fffff' sound coming from my ass, which was sweaty from the long drive and I could smell my perfume because of my sweat and a gentle breeze, caressing my butt. Even though cars were passing the whole time, I heard my butt releasing this huge fart which never seemed to end and the sound reminded me of that of a bus or large truck, when it stops. My fart continued in one very long 'ffffff' sound which just didn't stop and I hadn't even started to pee. Usually, when I fart like this, it's a warning sign of a series of turds I have to pass and it was then when I realized it probably was days ago that I last pooped. I was alone so I pushed: I always do that to feel what's the situation. Because I know many guys like to hear those kind of details from a girl I will write down what I usually would never tell. It's my body and my bodily functions and these are all such private details I feel ashamed to write this all down but okay: I was still in the middle of my exceptionally long fart and I pushed to feel where my turd was: I can feel it because it's head is always very big and hard. Sometimes when I push I just can tell it hasn't reached my anus yet so there's time. But this time I pushed, my fart became very loud and a huge jet of pee shoot up. Usually my pee stream goes half down but it shoot up about two meters and about 5 meters distance, almost hitting my hands which were holding my iphone. And around the corner comes a blond girl walking, with a broad smile on her face and mimicking an applause, clapping her hands together without making a sound. This girl, who later would introduce herself as 'Marianne' stood watching me from several meters away and I hadn't seen her. In the middle of my enormous fart and huge fountain of pee she decided to walk towards me because, so she would explain to me later, she was about to bust out laughing because she was so amazed by this never ending fart. But as she was walking towards me on the hot asphalt, she started to laugh anyway. It was a friendly, encouraging laugh which converted into an exclamation like 'Oh - my - God!' because my fart continued loudly and the fountain out of my vagina was loudly splattering onto the asphalt of the parking lot, as she was walking straight towards the puddle which was

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7 I had to poop now, she was right. I had to poop very badly. During my 5 minute pee I had noticed that my anus was wide open and had been releasing gas most of the time. This did make me uncomfortable as I was not about to poop on a parking space next to my scooter, with a girl watching me. And especially not with my turds. 'No, I am okay.' I said. 'You caca, you go there.' Marianne said, pointing to the orange grove in the distance. 'It's no problem.' she said. 'I go there, we go there. Or you okay? No caca?' I could see she was used to pee and poop out in the open. These girls were seated on the side of the road each day. They didn't have a portable WC and there were no facilities here. I could see she was trying to be friendly and trying to help out. I let out a soft, long fart. 'You caca!' she repeated with a smile. 'No, well yes, maybe but I am okay' I said. 'I go when I'm home.' 'Okay.' Marianne said. 'You go to Gandia now?' 'Yes.' 'Because you can say no but maybe I could drive with you?' She pointed at my scooter. Maybe that's why she was being friendly: she needed the ride. She gave me a tissue and it was good that she carried them around: I didn't have any. I wiped my vagina and stood up. 'Yes, no problem, I can take you to Gandia.' 'Oh thank you!' she said. 'It is so hot today.' I did have a problem. I walked with Marianne to the scooter and I farted with every step I took. Because my butt cheeks were now together these were loud farts and this was kind of embarressing because it sounded really silly. Marianne laughed. 'Como un pato!' she said. 'Like a duck!' I stood still, my hands on the scooter and my butt cheeks clenched together. There was another long fart, now a 'ffff' sounding one because I could feel my anus open up. And worst of all, I could feel the knobbly head of my turd pushing against my clenched butt cheeks. Now I could smell myself. My farts are always without any odor unless I really have to poop. It's not an be457b7860

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