
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Via Columbia 2 -  00133 ROMA  - Italy


Country of citizenship


Academic Career

Docens Turris Virgatae (senior professor) , Università di Roma Tor Vergata, since retirement in November 2020

Full Professor (Professore Ordinario), University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, 2000-2020

Associate Professor (Professore Associato), University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (1994-2000), University of Florence (1991-1994), University of Bari (1988-1991)

Assistant Professor with tenure (Ricercatore) , University of Rome La Sapienza (1982-1988), University of Perugia (1980-1982)

Assistant professor (without tenure) University of Perugia, 1975 -1980

Research fields

History of economic thought, monetary history, gender economics

Academic Distinctions

Member of the Accademia dei Lincei, since November 2018; president of the Research Committee of the Accademia dei Lincei since February 2023

Fellow of Fondazione Luigi  Einaudi, Torino,  since December  2020

President of SIE (Italian Economic Association) 2017-2019

President of ESHET (European Society for the History of Economic Thought) 2012-2013

President of STOREP (Italian Association for the History of Political Economy) 2010-2012

Vice-President  of ESHET (European Society for the History of Economic Thought) 2005-8

Member  of the Executive Committee of AISPE, Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought, 2003-2004


University of Florence, First degree in Mathematics, 110/110 cum laude, July 1974

C.N.R. (Italian Research Council)  Fellowship, 1974-75

British Academy-Walfson Foundation Fellowship, London School of Economics, Research Student, 1977-78

C.N.R. Fellowship, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1982-83

C.N.R. Fellowship, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, Fall Semester 1985

Known languages

Fluency in English; good knowledge of French and Portuguese

Teaching  activities in Italy (last 10 years)

Course in History of economic thought and policy, Università LUISS Guido Carli, since 2018

Courses in History of Political Economy (BA), Theories and History of Development (Master), History of money and financial markets (Master), Gender and development (Master MESCI) at the  University of Rome  ‘Tor Vergata’

Teaching  experiences abroad 

Erasmus/Socrates Teaching Staff Exchange program: Porto 2006

Visiting professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Paris 8, 2004.

Erasmus/Socrates Teaching Staff Exchange program: Barcelona, 2001

Courses in Development and History of Economic Thought, Universitade E.Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, 1991, 1995 and 1997

Editorial and referee services

Member of the editorial board of European Journal for the History of Economic Thought; member of the Board of Advisors of the Italian Economic Journal;  editor of the online journal Economic Thought from 2011-2016 and former member of the editorial board of Rivista di Politica Economica and Cahiers d' Economie Politique/Papers in Political Economy

Referee for: American journal of economics and sociology, BNL Quarterly Review, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cahiers d'Economie Politique, Contributions to Political Economy, Economia e Lavoro,  Economia Politica, Economic Thought, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Feminist Economics, History of Economic Ideas, History of Political Economy,  Italian Economic Journal, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Journal of Economic Policy, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Metroeconomica, Moneta e Credito, Oeconomia, Research in History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Review of Political Economy, Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique,  Rivista di Politica Economica, Storia del pensiero economico.

Other Recent Scientific Activities

Member of Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro (CNEL), as  economic advisor since August 2020, appointed by the President of the Italian Republic

Member of the panel of experts for the evaluation of the national projects on the Covid pandemic (FISR) since September 2020, appointed by the Minister of  university and research

Member of the scientific board of the European Summer School in ‘History of Economic thought, economic methodology and economic history’, since 2003

Member of the Scientific Board of the Scuola di Studi Superiori “Giacomo Leopardi”, University of Macerata, since 2019

Member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, a not-for-profit foundation for research in the social sciences, since 2014 and Director of the Scientific Committee since December 2021

Member of the Committee for the selection of seven non-elective members of the Scientific Council of the National Research Council (CNR), appointed by the President of the Italian National Research Council 2022

Member of the National Committee for Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale ASN) in the field of economic history and history of economic thought (13/C), 2016-18

Member of the hiring committee for an associate professor position at the Université Côte d'Azur, France ( May 2020)

Member of the scientific board of the Ecole Doctorale Economie Panthéon Sorbonne (2010 – 2016)

Member of the selecting committee for the ESHET grants for Young Scholars  (2015 - 2019 )

Member of the evaluation committee of the Department of Economics, Graz University, Austria, October 2018

Member of  jury de thèse (rapporteur) Université de Lyon (2017)

Supervisor and member of the jury d’HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) , Paris 8 (2016)

Member of the scientific committee of the ESHET conferences in Kingston (2013), Lausanne (2014) and Rome (2015)

Member of the hiring committee for an associate professor position at the University Nice Sophia Antipolis (2015 )

Member of  jury de thèse (rapporteur) Université de Paris 8 (2014)

Referee for the 2004-2010 and 2011-2014 VQR (Italian Research Assessment Exercise)

Member of the AERES evaluation committee of the Department  PHARE University Paris 1 Sorbonne (2013)

Visiting Positions

Visiting Professor at the University of Lyon 2, France, Spring 2015

Visiting professor at CNRS PHARE, Parigi 1 “Sorbonne”, Spring 2010.

Visiting professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Paris 8 , Spring 2004

Research Associate, Centre For History and Economics, King’s College, Cambridge,  Fall 2003

Experience as director of national projects

Director of the project PRIN 2005: “The evaluation of economic research in a historical perspective: comparing methods and arguments ”

Director of the project Cofin 2001 "Individuals and markets in the analysis of Cambridge economists and their interlocutors"

Director of a three years project (1994-1996) in collaboration with French Universities on "Theory and history of the Gold standard: real exchange rates and gold points"

Experience as research unit coordinator  

In charge of a research unit, financed by the Ministry for the University and Scientific Research, in 1995-96, 1998-99, 2003-2004 and 2008-9

Invited presentations (selection)

Workshop “Fabricating Modern Economics”, Villa Vigoni, Como, December 2021 (online)

Fifth Thomas Guggenheim Conference in the History of Economic Thought, Rome, December 2019

Workshop “Fabricating Modern Economics”, Villa Vigoni, Como, July 2019

Seminar “Storia ed Economia : incontro a margine del saggio ‘Spleen: The Failures of the Cliometric School ‘”,  Milano, Università Cattolica, 20 May 2019

Workshop “Did Economics forget History?”, University of Catania, March 2019

Journées d’études “Marché monétaire et politique monétaire“, CNRS, Paris, 2-3 October 2015

Conference “War in the history of economic thought: the economists and the question of war” Otaru, Japan, September 2015.

Seminar on “About the microeconomics of gold and foreign exchange markets in the Bullion Controversy”, Atelier ‘Marché monétaire et politique monétaire’ Paris, 15 February 2014

Conference “Path Dependence in Economic Development. Meeting of Historians of Economics Thought From Europe and Latin America”, 20-22 November 2013, Medellín, Colombia

Conference “New developments on Ricardo and the Ricardian tradition”, Lyon, France, 9-12 September 2013

Workshop “Crises and Space in the History of Economic Thought”, University of Corte, Corsica, 12-15 September 2012

Conference "Money, Finance, Bank, Liberal Economists and Ricardo", Kyoto, Japan, March 2012

Colloque  “ ‘Le pouvoir dʼachat de la monnaie’ de Irving Fisher”, Lyon, France, September 2011

Colloque "Monnaie et Richesse au XVIIIème siècle avant Adam Smith", Paris, Sorbonne, April 2011

International Workshop “Marshall and Marshallians on Industrial economics”, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 2008

First European and Japanese Societies for the History of Economic Thought Meeting , Nice, France, December 2006

Journée David Ricardo, Université Paris 8, March 2006

Colloque “History of Economic Thought and Economic Methodology in the new European curricula: comparative practice”, Maison des Sciences Économiques, Paris 2005

Workshop “Cambridge School of Economics: From Marshall to Keynes” Hitotsubashi University , Tokyo, 2003

Convegno Sraffa, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma  2003

Colloquio “Sraffa”, Napoli 2003

HOPE 2001 conference, Duke University, USA, 2001

Conference presentations (selection)

Annual meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) (Lisbon 1996; Marseille 1997; Darmstadt 2001; Creta 2002; Paris 2003; Treviso 2004: Stirling 2005; Porto 2006; Strasbourg 2007; Prague 2008; Thessaloniki 2009; Amsterdam 2010; Istanbul 2011; St.Petersburg 2012; London 2013; Lausanne 2014, Rome 2015,  Madrid 2018, Lille 2019).

Annual meeting of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP)  (Belgirate 2004; Siena 2005; Lecce 2006; Pollenzo 2007; Roma 2008; Firenze 2009;Trento 2010; Minervino di Lecce 2011; Padova 2012; Gaeta 2013; Bergamo 2014; Torino 2015; Catania 2016; Piacenza  2017; Siena 2019; Roma 2020).

Annual meeting of History of economics society (HES) (Vancouver, USA, 1996; Charleston, USA, 1997; Kansas City, USA, 2009).

Annual meeting of the International Association for feminist economics (IAFFE) (Torino 2008; Barcelona 2012; Berlin 2015).

European Conference in History of Economics (ECHE) “Economics and place”, Paris  October 2006.

Annual Meeting of AISPE  (Modena 1994;  Napoli 1997; Firenze 1999; Lecce 2001; Brescia 2003).

Other professional activities

Member of the editorial board of the web-magazine  since its foundation

Member of the Committee on gender issues of the CRUI (Board of Italian University Presidents)

Lecturer on Gender Budgeting for the “Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione” (School of Public Administration, Roma) April May 2018

Member of the Committee appointed by the Board of University Presidents to apply gender budgeting to Italian universities, 2018-19

Author of several publications and reports on issues of gender equality.  See, for example,  Report for the European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, on “The policy on Gender Equality in Italy”, March 2014, available at

Lecturer at the Summer School  in “Gender Economics and Society”, Torino, July 2014 and 2015,organized by Università di Torino, Collegio Carlo Alberto , and ILO, International Training Center


Read more on my activities on gender issues