Annaliese Keiser

A head shot of a woman with reddish brown hair on a city corner.

About Me

I am currently a PhD student at the University of Michigan Department of Mathematics, and I received my Master's degree from the Marjorie Lee Browne Scholars program in the department in Spring 2021. I will be pursuing a PhD at University of Michigan starting in Fall 2021. I grew up in small town Ohio and got my BS in Mathematics at Bowling Green State University. I still consider Bowling Green to be my home, and enjoy visiting local treasures. I have a passion for math education and outreach, and their intersections with DEI work.

My name is pronounced AW-nuh-lees Ky-zer. For the first two syllables, you can refer to the Disney princess.

Research Interests

I am currently studying configuration spaces and braid groups with Jenny Wilson as part of my master's thesis. I am broadly interested in algebraic topology. Previously, I participated in an REU at UM-Dearborn studying moving mesh systems with Joan Remski.

Selected Works

My master's thesis, An Introduction to Configuration Spaces and Braid Groups, is an expository work, exploring configuration spaces and braid groups for someone who is not familiar with them, from the perspectives of algebraic topology and combinatorial group theory. I have aimed to write it at a level accessible to anyone with a first course in point-set topology and in group theory.


I have taught the course MATH 105: Data, Functions, and Graphs as the instructor of record in Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021.

I have extensive experience as a mathematics tutor, dating back to 2015, to private individuals, for the Bowling Green State University Learning Commons, and for the University of Michigan Mathematics Department. I am available to tutor individuals in certain math courses. Please inquire via my email about these services.

Personal Interests

I enjoy knitting and crafting of all forms. I swing dance (East Coast, Lindy Hop, and solo jazz), and I am the Treasurer of Swing Ann Arbor, although we are currently inactive due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a steward and the Communications Committee Co-Chair for my labor union, GEO 3550, which represents GSIs and GSSAs at the University of Michigan.