IVF Treatment (In vitro fertilisation)

Basically IVF involves the collection of eggs from the ovary, putting them together with sperm in a dish and, if those sperms fertilize an egg, putting the embryo or embryos that result into the womb.

Every month women prepare several eggs in their ovaries, but usually only one is chosen by the body to be released into the Fallopian tubes. With IVF, the ovaries are stimulated to produce more than one egg to give a better chance of collecting at least one which is healthy.

IUI Treatment (Intrauterine insemination)

In this form of treatment healthy sperm is inserted into the uterus at the prime time for fertilization to occur. Before beginning the treatment the health of the Fallopian tubes is checked using a an laparoscopy and/or an hysterosalpingogram (see below in “Fertility Checks”). Daily injections (which can be self-administered) of recombine FSH are usually used to stimulate the ovaries to mature one to three follicles. Blood tests are taken daily from about day 10 of the menstrual cycle to help determine the best time for insemination. Prior to insemination an ultrasound scan of the ovaries is carried out to check on the size and number of the follicles. A semen sample is taken a couple of hours before the treatment and healthy, active sperm are selected from the sample and inserted into the uterus.

Sperm/Egg donation/Embryo donation

Sperm donation is an option for single females and where the male partner’s sperm is not suitable for fertilizing an egg. Egg donation is a possibility for females where the ovaries do not produce suitable eggs. Embryos can be frozen and the frozen embryos kept for a limited period of time for introduction into the uterus during treatments in the future.

Scientific Director & Consultant Fertility Physician

Dr. Kedar Ganla

M.B.B.S, M.D, D.N.B, D.G.O, F.C.P.S,

Infertility Consultant & Gynecologist

Managing Director

Dr. Manjusha Ganla

M.B.B.S M.D(Anesthesia, Mumbai)

Diploma in diet and Nutrition

Diploma in Obesity Management,

Diploma in Accupuncture

Fertility Specialist in accupuncture & Obesity

Consultant Fertility Specialist Physician and Gynecologist

Dr.Rana Choudhary

D.N.B.(ObGy), F.C.P.S., D.G.O., D.F.P., M.N.A.M.S.

Associate Consultant

Ankoor IVF Centre In Mumbai Team

IVF & IUI Success Stories – Patient’s Video Testimonials