Anita Zednik

I am an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Markets and Strategy, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien). 

My research areas: experimental economics, voting behaviour, social preferences and cultural economics. 


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Working papers

Can being competitive but unsuccessful harm you, even more so if you are a woman? (with Simone Häckl and Jakob Möller). February 2024 [Download]  

Strategic residential location choice: how parents game priorities in school matching, NEW VERSION February 2024[Download

The effects of a 'None of the above' ballot paper option on voting behavior and election outcomes (with Attila Ambrus and Ben Greiner) . June 2020 [Download


Refereed journal articles

Public preferences for heritage conservation strategies: a choice-modelling approach, Journal of Cultural Economics, pp.1-26, 2021 (with David Throsby and Jorge E. Araῆa). [Article]

Trust and age: An experiment with current and former students, Economics Letters, 181, 2019, 37-39 (with Ben Greiner). [Article

Multiple job-holding and artistic careers: some empirical evidence, Cultural Trends, 20: 1, 2011 (with David Throsby). [Article

Brand management models of major consulting firms, advertising agencies and market research companies: A categorisation and positioning analysis of models offered in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Journal of Brand Management, 15, 5: 301-11, 2008 (with Andreas Strebinger). [Article

Books, book chapters and reports

The economic and cultural value of paintings: some empirical evidence, in: V.A. Ginsburgh and D Throsby (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, Elsevier, Volume 2, 2014, 81-100 (with David Throsby). [Download Chapter

Minimum income requirements of creative artists: some empirical results, in: Borges, Vera and Costa, Pedro (eds.), Criatividade e instituições : novos desafios à vida dos artistas e dos profissionais da cultura, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2012, p.37-47 (with David Throsby). [Download Chapter

Do You Really Expect To Get Paid? An economic study of professional artists in Australia, Australia Council, Sydney, 2010 (with David Throsby). [Download Report

Marken-Modelle der Praxis, Darstellung, Analyse und kritische Würdigung, in: Günter Schweiger (ed.), Werbe-und Markenforschung, Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 2005 (with Andreas Strebinger). [Book]

Ongoing projects

Voting with 16 – long-term effects of the change in legal voting age in Austria (with Ben Greiner)

Social Preferences of Elderly (with Ben Greiner)

Boredom and choice behavior (with Attila Ambrus and Peter Landry)