Anirban  Guha  (অনির্বাণ গুহ)

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the School of Science and Engineering at the University of Dundee. My research is primarily curiosity-driven; I typically formulate reduced-order physical and mathematical models of various problems encountered in fluid dynamics, especially pertaining to geophysical and environmental flows. My research has applications in topical areas like ocean mixing (hence climate change), and aquatic pollution mitigation.  Some of my talks/lectures are available on Youtube: GFD Lecture-1, GFD Lecture-2, Synchronization and Instability and Hamiltonian fluid dynamics

I obtained my PhD from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver; my thesis was broadly on the theoretical underpinnings of stratified shear instabilities. Many summers ago, I obtained a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. 


Ph.D. students: 

1) Saranraj Gururaj (at Dundee, Mar 2020-June 2023): Thesis on internal gravity wave triads in oceans and its role in energy cascade, which finally leads to ocean mixing.  Saranraj is a recipient of the 2018 Mehta Gold Medal from IIT Kanpur, and the 2022 David Crighton Fellowship from DAMTP, University of Cambridge. Saranraj has joined the University of Liverpool as a Postdoc in Ocean Sciences. 

2) Akanksha Gupta (at IIT Kanpur, Aug 2017-Nov 2022): Thesis on surface waves and bathymetry interactions, and their effect on particle transport. Akanksha is a recipient of the Raman-Charpak Fellowship (Indo-France), Shashtri Indo-Canadian fellowship, split-site Commonwealth Ph.D. scholarship (held at the University of Dundee), and Lalit Kishore Chaudhary Memorial Award (IIT Kanpur).  Akanksha is currently a Postdoc at Scripps/UCSD.

Significant Awards and Recognitions: