About my research
I am Dr. Ang Mei Choo. I am a research fellow at the Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia). My research interest is in the area of intelligent algorithms and the applications of intelligent algorithms in design and engineering problems.
I obtained my Bachelor degree in Mathematics with honours from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I pursued my Master degree at the Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK and was awarded M.Sc in Control Systems with Distinction. I received my Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK in 2008. After my PhD, I was attached to Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC) of the Cardiff University, UK as a Visiting Post-doctoral Researcher for two years. Then, I was appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow to the Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC) of the Cardiff University after 2010 for two years. I was a Honorary Research Fellow of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Birmingham University since 2012 for a period of three years.
I was also a Senior Lecturer in the School of Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since 2010. I am also a member of Industrial Computing Research Group in UKM. From 1st June 2011, I joined the Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to involve in more challenging research projects.
Please check out my publications and my research projects. If you are good in programming, interested in my research areas and keen in doing a Master or PhD degree in UKM under my supervision, please contact me at amc@ukm.edu.my. Thank you.
My research area of interest:
1. Intelligent Algorithms: evolutionary algorithm, Bees Algorithm (BA), TRIZ inspired algorithm
2. Shape Grammars: a generative design system
3. Product Design: particularly on design support system using computer
4. Robot Path Planning
Received Grants
1. FRGS Grant. Title: Technology Forecasting Model based on Trends of Engineering System Evolution (TESE) and Big Data for 4IR*, from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2020.
2. Geran Universiti Penyelidikan. Title: A Framework for Sustainable Product Innovation based on TRIZ*, from 15/11/2018 to 14/11/2020
3. Industrial grants. Title: Design of Multicore Computing Architectures for Local Software Developers, from 10/05/2013 to 9/5/2015.
4. ERGS grant. Title: Innovative Design Support Model Based on TRIZ And Design Patent Information, from 21-06-2011 to 20/06/2013.
5. FRGS grant. Title: TRIZ Inspired Operators for Intelligent Algorithm Development, from 27-12-2010 to 26-12-2013.
6. Geran Galakan Penyelidik Muda and Dana Insentif Penyelidik Muda. Title: Using shape grammars and Algorithms to Capture Design Knowledge, from 01-06-2010 to 30-06-2012.
*Open application for any potential PhD or Master by Research students. Good programming skill is required for the FRGS project. Email to amc@ukm.edu.my for more details.
Presented at International Conferences and workshops:
1. 5th Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROMS) Virtual International Conference, 6-17th July 2009.
2. 7th IEEE International conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2009), 24-26th June 2009, Cardiff UK.
3. 4th Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROMS) Virtual International Conference, 1-14th July 2008.
4. Second International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'06), Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, 10-12 July 2006.
5. Design and Shape Computation Workshop 06, Open University. UK, 8 March 2006.