What are angel numbers? Suppose you have often come across a combination of specific numbers in the past few days. In that case, Doreen Virtue, the author of sacred scribe angel numbers, advises you to pay attention to such a message. To decipher it, you need to know what meanings divine numerology assigns to the main sacred numbers and their combinations. 

Number meanings

111 – three units indicate a good time for the realization of your old dream or planned event. The number 111 foreshadows the excellent news that will open up new perspectives and opportunities for you. Most likely, that which can bring you what you want is very close, but you refuse to notice it. The Universe has already sent you a way to solve your problem; all that remains is to look around you carefully.

1111 – enhances the value of the 111 sequences and promises the almost instant realization of everything you have in mind. In angel numbers, 1111 calls it a reflection of a person’s thoughts. Don’t miss the opportunity predicted by the four angelic omen units.

222 – a sequences of three twos portends a positive result of your actions. If you notice sequence 222 on your watch or license plate after necessary negotiations or contacting higher authorities, you don’t even have to worry; everything will be resolved in the best possible way. The Universe approves and encourages your actions. Do not be afraid and back down, but continue to move towards the goal in the same direction.

2222 – four twos indicate that the Universe is giving you the information you need to solve your problem. Often, after four deuces, an insight comes, intuition sharpens. Besides, the number 2222 in numerology indicates a profitable partnership.

333 – this sequence of numbers symbolizes the Ascended Masters, powerful heavenly guardians, next to you. The number 333 can be called a visiting card of these creatures and an offer of help.

444 – three fours report the support of not one guardian but several divine entities. The protection of so many powerful patrons gives you wings and opens all roads. Feel free to act to achieve your goal; the angels standing behind your back will take all ill-wishers and enemies away from you. The number 444 is a generous carte blanche for you.

555 – the sequences of these numbers warns of drastic life changes. Gather all your strength and stamina to meet them with dignity. Change can be both positive and negative – angels prefer to remain silent about this. The combination of 555 in angelic numerology encourages you to overcome your fears and find the courage to prove yourself with your strengths.

666 – Three sixes are often regarded as an ominous warning and are referred to as “the number of the devil.” In angelic numerology, this number has a slightly different meaning. 666 indicates a person’s excessive preoccupation with money. Angels urge you to pay more attention to the inner world, and then your financial problems will be resolved.

777 – promises you a real whirlpool of miracles and pleasant surprises. With sevens’ help, angels communicate that all your wishes and actions during this period are doomed to dizzying success. Noticing the combination 777 several times in a row, hurry up to catch your luck by the tail!

888 – three eights predict a speedy resolution of the situation, the end of an event, process, or relationship. In return, the combination of eight promises the birth of something different, new. You should be ready to part with the past and open up to the future.

999 – the sequences of three nines conveys the angels’ request about the need to complete something you started but abandoned or left until better times. If you asked the Universe for something, and then, having received its consent, refused what you wanted, then the number 999 calls to complete the work.

000 – the value of this sequences of numbers is close to the cost of 444 and speaks of the support of you by higher powers. Their patronage will help you overcome your fears and find a way out even from deadlocks. When you see 0:00 on your watch, know that you have reliable support. Also, three zeros in devine numerology indicate the end of some significant event.

Meaning of numbers: sequences of different numbers

Angels can encrypt their messages in combinations of repeating numbers and variations of several numbers. To understand what the higher powers warn about, the main two- and three-digit combinations’ meanings will help.

For example, you have come across the number 33314 several times in a row. You can divide the total number into smaller combinations and combine their values. For our example, use numerological predictions for combinations 1 and 3, 3 and 4, 1, and 4.

What do repeating sets of numbers, for example, or other significant numbers mean? Let’s figure it out in order with the help of angel numbers.

Angel numbers sequences meaning

Meaning with 1:

Meaning with 2:

The sequences of 2 and 3 (322, 323), like the number 333, indicates the Ascended Masters. This is the time for good luck and fulfillment of desires.

Meaning with 3:

Meaning with 4:

Meaning with 5:

Meaning with 6:

Meaning with 7:

Meaning with 8:

The numbers consisting of 8 and 9 (98, 898) indicate that a period of changes has begun in your life. In this way, the Divine Guardian communicate their support and call for dropping all fears and doubts.

8 and 0 (80, 008) are confirmation that the Universe hears your requests. Feel free to ask heavenly messengers for anything that matters to you.

Meaning with 9:

Combinations 9 and 0 (900, 090) are sent by angels to confirm your path’s correctness. Also, this combination encourages you not to get hung up and forgive long-standing grievances. 

Although angel numbers is a relatively new occult teaching, it has already found followers worldwide. Doreen Virtue advises interpreting the signs that higher powers send us correctly.

The angels’ tips provide answers to the questions that tormented you, suggest a way out, and are even capable of saving lives, says D. Virtue. Therefore, the third time you see on the clock 16:16 or paying attention to the repeating numbers in the date of an important event, think about what the Divine Guardian want to warn you about.

Types of angel numbers combinations

The angelic message on the watch can be of three types:

Suppose, by chance; an unusual combination appears on the watch. In that case, you need to immediately decipher its meaning to understand the message since the angels are talking about something important. Signs of higher powers give hints on how to avoid various disasters and troubles.

Repeating numbers meanings

It is rare to see all repeating numbers at once, but they are of great importance in a person’s life:

Fateful mirror numbers meanings

The angel numbers are not always repeated. Sometimes the combination is mirrored. These values also affect life and speak of significant events:

Successful combinations of angel numbers

Combination with 01

Higher powers hint that made wishes are already coming true. It would help if you believed that everything would be fine:

Combination with 02

If 02, 20, 2, and 00 are often found on the clock, life is booming; there is a lot of positive in it. It seems that the black streak will never end, but it is necessary to find a positive attitude.

Repeating 02 and 05 attracts luck. If you do not lose confidence in your abilities, then the result will be fantastic.

Combination with 03

The repeated 3, 6, 23, 3, and 00 indicate that the universe will help self-actualization. A little more and it will be possible to achieve the goal, everything will come true; for this, you only need to use your knowledge.

Repetitions 03 and 07 indicate the correct direction. The keepers promise tremendous success.

Combination with 04

The numbers 4 and 5 are essential for destiny. Positive changes will soon take place that will help streamline a complicated life.

Combination 47 indicates the encouragement of the Guardians. Higher powers support all undertakings.

Combination with 05

The number 56, 5, and 00 on the clock is a pleasant material surprise. The combination of 5 and 7 suggests that life will soon change completely. Just don’t slow down; self-improvement will help you achieve success. 

Combination with 06

Frequent 6, 7, 16 – you cannot stand still; you need to develop, gain knowledge, use it in practice.

The combination of 6 and 8 indicates that it’s time to get rid of everything unnecessary. Do not rush to buy expensive things; otherwise, the deal will not be favorable.

Combination with 07

Always catching the eye 7 and 8 indicate favorable changes in life. Do not postpone unresolved issues—the number 7 from 00 points the approval of the guardian angel. 

Combination with 08 and 09

In life, there will soon be unplanned meetings that will not bring happiness. Only unexpectedness will help self-improvement. In any situation, you need to remain calm.

The combination of 8 and 00 means that all wishes will come true; if you have a little patience, do not give up, keep calm.

Triple repeating angel numbers

Keepers warn trouble and point out human shortcomings by repeating numbers. The same numbers on the watch are essential.

000: Please do not waste precious time on noisy parties; it is better to retire, to rethink your life.

111: You can’t frequently drive yourself into a corner; you need to learn to be a winner. The Guardian Angel will help you reach the top; you nIf you regularly notice the clock’s message, write down the same numbers, and find out their meaning, life will become easier. eed to start acting.

222: Self-love destroys everything. Others cannot be close to such a person for a long time, so they will soon refuse to communicate. It is worth going down to earth, being more comfortable, starting to treat people naturally.

333: Identical triplets are a divine sign. It’s time to start realizing your creative projects. It is essential to listen to your inner world and do something useful for other people.

444: The Guardians are unhappy that you have been aggressive and pessimistic about the world around you lately. It would be fine if you reconsidered your position to thank life for the beauty that it gives every day. Higher powers always support reasonable goals.

555: The repetition of fives indicates a loss of faith in oneself. Do not be afraid of failures.

It would help if you didn’t come up with messages yourself. If you deliberately wait for the same combinations, they will lose quality. Angel numbers of time shows signs at an unexpected moment. The hint should be random.

Divine Guardian protect us from various troubles. With the proper use of clues and signs, you can dramatically change your future.

Angel numbers – combinations of numbers through which the guardian angels address us. The author of this doctrine – philosopher, metaphysician, Doctor of Psychology, author, and developer of audio meditations – Doreen Virtue.