Advanced Next Generation Electronics Lab

차세대반도체소자 연구실에서 2025-1학기 (1) 학/석사 연계과정 (2) 석사과정 (3) 박사과정 (4) 석박사 통합과정 학생을 모집합니다.

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관심 있는 학생은 joonkyuhan59@gmail.com으로 간단한 이력서 및 성적표를 보내주시기 바랍니다.

Research Topics

3D integration

Neuromorphic device & system

AI for semiconductor technology

Representative Publications

Fully CMOS-based p-bits with a Bistable Resistor for Probabilistic Computing

Advanced Functional Materials (2024, IF=19)

3-dimensional Neuromorphic Hardware with Single Thin-film Transistor Synapses over Single Thin-body Transistor Neurons by Monolithic Vertical Integration

Advanced Science (2023, IF=15.1)

Artificial Olfactory Neuron for an In-sensor Neuromorphic Nose

Advanced Science (2022, IF=15.1)

Co-integration of Single Transistor Neurons and Synapses by Nanoscale CMOS Fabrication for Highly Scalable Neuromorphic Hardware

Science Advances (2021, IF=13.6)