R: Shiny Apps

Shiny and Leaflet

Leaflet allows you to add spatial data to interactive maps, which can integrate into Shiny applications. This app jitters UTM X,Y coordinates (Northing & Easting) of a user imported .shp, when prompted. A jittered.shp is saved and exported while results are plotted in an interactive map.

Then an interactive map is rendered allowing the user to review the original coordinates and the new jittered coordinates, as proof that it worked!

If only there was more time:

Future development will allow users to customize the jittering distance, which is currently randomized between 0.3 - 0.5 miles. Also, I hope to deploy the app to shinyapp.io or as a standalone .exe file. However, in its current form, it works beautifully and I frequently use this tool to alter X,Y coordinates if obfuscation is required.

Code: shinydashboard_jitter_leaflet.R