You're saying that you need GPS location first if its available, but what you did is first you're getting location from network provider and then from GPS. This will get location from Network and GPS as well if both are available. What you can do is, write these cases in if..else if block. Similar to-

use the fusion API that google developer have developed with fusion of GPS Sensor,Magnetometer,Accelerometer also using Wifi or cell location to calculate or estimate the location. It is also able to give location updates also inside the building accurately.

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In the above class, I am registering a location listener for both GPS and network, so an onLocationChanged call back can be called by either or both of them multiple times and we just compare the new location fix with the one we already have and keep the best one.

If Android Emergency Location Service (ELS) works in your country or region and on your mobile network, and you haven't turned ELS off, your phone will automatically send its location to first responders through ELS. If ELS is off, your mobile carrier might still send the device's location during an emergency call or text.

I have an application with service that is using Location Manager to send users location among the other data to our backend server. The service is only active if a user opens certain activities (theoretically it may never be started, but that's not the case in practice).

I have used the alarm manager with the broadcast receiver to perform some tasks on specific time intervals in the past, but I'm not quite sure which scenario is best for this. The problem is that it is possible that application doesn't have the correct location yet (GPS doesn't have a fix yet), now, in that case, I should repeat the check until the location is fixed and send it then (after 9 am). Is there a better solution? And what scenario should I use for this?

Adding the location requirement makes it all a bit more tricky, since you can only get few locations per hour starting from Android O (Android 8). So you can do a quick GPS request in the background, but can not guarantee a good fix simply since you may have finished your locations count quota \_()_/

A physical security key is one of the strongest methods to protect your account. Keep your physical security key in a safe location. If your primary Android device is lost or stolen, you can use the physical key to sign in to Learn more about security key options.

I see there a lot of similar topics pertaining to this issue but I did not find a solution for me among those posts. I just installed Android Studio v0.8.14 and it won't let me create a new project because I do not have an SDK path specified. For the life of me I cannot find where that path should be. I see many people have it located in C:/Android or someplace similar, however the only Android files I have are on my desktop in the extracted folder that came in the .zip. All paths inside that folder do not qualify as an appropriate SDK location, according to Android Studio. Am I being completely ridiculous and missing the obvious?

EDIT: (More detail) - My SDK was originally inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk, I just Cut and Paste the entire \sdk folder into C:\Users\Nick\Android-SDK, then set it inside Android Studio to the new location.

Go to the location i.e. some location in appdata, or the location your android sdk wasabout to be installed in. The location should be visible now.Go to it and delete everything inside. (Don't delete the sdk folder, just the contentsinside it )

My issue was that my SDK was not installed together with the Android Studio IDE for some reason. How I managed to trigger the SDK installation was by going to File > Settings on Android Studio, then typing "sdk" in the searchbar. If your android sdk location is empty, click on "edit" right next to it and it should immediately prompt installation for your sdk.

Store recent location is encrypted at rest using your Google Account password for security. Other data that Find My Device collects is encrypted in transit. You can delete all devices and their locations through the Find My Device app.

Depending on the LocationManager methods used, either ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is needed. For example, you need to declare the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission if your application uses a network-based location provider only. The more accurate GPS requires the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.Note that declaring the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission implies ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION already.

LocationManager is the main class through which your application can access location services on Android. Similar to other system services, a reference can be obtained from calling the getSystemService() method. If your application intends to receive location updates in the foreground (within an Activity), you should usually perform this step in the onCreate() method.

While not required, most modern Android-powered devices can receive location updates through multiple underlying technologies, which are abstracted to an application as LocationProvider objects. Location providers may have different performance characteristics in terms of time-to-fix, accuracy, monetary cost, power consumption, and so on. Generally, a location provider with a greater accuracy, like the GPS, requires a longer fix time than a less accurate one, such as a network-based location provider.

Depending on your application's use case, you have to choose a specific location provider, or multiple providers, based on similar tradeoffs. For example, a points of interest check-in application would require higher location accuracy than say, a retail store locator where a city level location fix would suffice. The snippet below asks for a provider backed by the GPS.

Alternatively, you can provide some input criteria such as accuracy, power requirement, monetary cost, and so on, and let Android decide a closest match location provider. The snippet below asks for a location provider with fine accuracy and no monetary cost. Note that the criteria may not resolve to any providers, in which case a null will be returned. Your application should be prepared to gracefully handle the situation.

Some location providers such as the GPS can be disabled in Settings. It is good practice to check whether the desired location provider is currently enabled by calling the isProviderEnabled() method. If the location provider is disabled, you can offer the user an opportunity to enable it in Settings by firing an Intent with the ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS action.

The problem is that the location it is trying to save the AVD doesn't exist, probably a result of running Windows as a guest OS under VMware Fusion. A quick check of the AVD Manager settings under Tools > Options, confirms that the Manifest Cache Directory points to wrong location.

Download the Files app, which is a shortcut into the AOSP file manager, then open two file manager windows side-by-side (with one pointed to /Android/data or /Android/obb) and drag-and-drop files between the windows. (Source)

As you may be aware, Android 11 made some big changes to the Scoped Storage functionality that Google began to implement with Android 10. One of the biggest user-facing changes is removing access to the "Android/data" folder, blocking all apps (including file managers) from accessing any data within it.

As part of the Scoped Storage changes, there is a new permission, MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, that is intended specifically for file manager apps to use so that they can have the broad access they need for the user to manage files under Android 11. Unfortunately, even with this broad permission, file managers still cannot access files under "Android/data". Since apps with the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission have to be vetted by Google before they are approved for distribution in the Play Store, it doesn't make sense for file managers to still be disallowed access to this directory for security reasons. Apps holding this permission should be allowed to manage the entirety of external storage as they were under Android 10 and earlier.

Google could have tested the AOSP files app a bit better, especially since they specifically implemented the ability to manage files inside "Android/data" just for this one app. Looking at the code for the files app, the main file manager activity is configured to use this access, but not the picker activity (used for copying / moving files). You'd think that some basic QA testing for this use case would have caught this issue before Android 11 was finalized, but since the AOSP files app is going to be sunset in favor of Files by Google, it's no surprise that testing wasn't a huge priority.

Many organizations like logistics companies or cab services, track the corporate devices' locations to ensure that the user bearing the device is on the right track. To obtain the most recent device location, the organizations must enable Location Services on the devices at all times. But many users tend to disable the Location Services on devices either to reduce battery consumption or to avoid displaying the device location for privacy reasons. Mobile Device Manager Plus lets you know the current device location in near real-time and also the device location over a period of time. Additionally, it allows organizations to permanently keep Location Services on and prevent location services from being turned off or disabled on iPhone and Android devices.

How to lock location services on Android devices or Apple devices like iPhones?: You can permanently enable and lock Location Services on Android devices, over-the-air using MDM. In case of iOS devices, you must have the device in hand to permanently enable Location Services, as Apple doesn't allow location services from being turned-off over-the-air to protect user privacy.

Note: ME MDM app fetch the location details only when there is a significant change (at least 500m) in the location of the mobile device. Due to this, the location shown on the MDM server might be the last location rather than the current location in case of iOS devices for certain scenarios. You can get the exact location of device by sending a notification. To enable notifications on devices, you can associate a app notification profile to the device. ff782bc1db

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