Andrey Kurbatov, NHH

e-mail: | CV: link | Phone number: +47 48 46 03 14 | NHH profile | Google Scholar 

I am employed as an Assistant Professor of Finance at NHH since August 2023. My research focuses on corporate governance and takeover defenses. 

I received my PhD from INSEAD in June 2023. My dissertation title is "Essays on Poison pills". My job market paper studies the determinants of market reaction to a NOL pill adoption. The key result is that in presence of strong takeover defenses a NOL pill doesn't additionally entrench the management while creating shareholder value by preserving tax benefits, resulting in a more positive market reaction.

My ongoing projects include: a theoretical model of a poison pill, strategic announcement of poison pill adoption.

Papers and Work in Progress

Research papers:

Future projects/Work in Progress:


Teaching Assistant: Financial Markets and Valuation (January-February 2020), Prof. Lin Shen, INSEAD, 4.54/5 rating

Teaching Assistant: Financial Markets and Valuation (January-February 2020), Prof. Federico Gavazzoni, INSEAD, 4.39/5 rating

Teaching Assistant: Financial Markets and Valuation (January-February 2019), Prof. Adrian Buss, INSEAD, 4.09/5 rating

Teaching Assistant: Corporate Finance (2016-2017), Prof. Sergey Stepanov, HSE/NES Joint BA, 4.70/5 rating

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Computer Science  (2016-2017), Prof. Elena Nabieva, HSE/NES Joint BA, 4.82/5 rating

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Computer Science  (2015-2016), Prof. Elena Nabieva, HSE/NES Joint BA


6th Center for Corporate Finance Conference, 8 June 2023, NHH, Bergen. Paper presented: Poison pill determinants

6th HEC Paris Finance PhD Workshop, 3-4 October 2022, HEC, Paris. Paper presented: Determinants of market reaction to NOL poison pill adoption

Eighth Wharton-INSEAD Doctoral Consortium, 25-27 October 2019, UPenn, Pennsylvania. Paper presented: Poison pill determinants


Best Student Research Paper, HSE/NES Joint BA, 2017

Best Teaching Assistant, HSE/NES Joint BA, 2017