I'm an Associate Professor in Economics at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia and I'm currently a Commissioner for the 2024-2025 Lancet Commission on Health, Conflict, and Forced Displacement 

I work in the field of Development Economics and mainly focus on understanding the consequences of conflict and forced displacement and how they thrust people into poverty through economic, psychological, and behavioral channels. I then build upon this knowledge to design and evaluate interventions to mitigate some of these consequences and foster movements out of poverty

The prime example of this work is Semillas de Apego, a community-based psychosocial program for caregivers of young children in communities exposed to conflict and forced displacement. Our program promotes maternal mental health as an outcome and as a pathway to protect children from the effects of early childhood adversities. We've implemented and evaluated the program in different phases to demonstrate its validity, impact, and potential for scaleup. We are now scaling up to reach 15,000 caregivers and 20,000 children in 15 municipalities in Colombia. You can read more about our work here.

Beyond an academic interest and motivation, this personal story also explains why I work in these areas.  

I am a member or affiliated researcher at different networks, including EGAP, JPAL-LAC, the Care and Protection of Children Learning Network, the Internal Displacement Research Programme at the University of London, and the Moving Minds Alliance research forum. Between 2021 and 2022 I was the Santo Domingo Visiting Scholar at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) at Harvard University.

links: Google Scholar  -  RePEc  - CV  -  CV (Español)

e-mail: a.moya[at]uniandes.edu.co

twitter: @Andr3sMoya    bluesky: @andresmoya.bsky.social

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