Andrés Carnero Bravo
I got my PhD from Intituto de Matemáticas, UNAM. My main interests are combinatorics, algebraic topology and their intersections, such as the homotopy type of graph complexes and polyhedral products. I am a postdoc at Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas.
I was a co-organizer of the students seminar of the Instituto de Matemáticas. I was a co-orgnaizer of the IV Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Posgrado en Matemáticas which took place June 19-23, 2023, in Cuernavaca, México.
with Omar Antolín, Homotopy type of the independence complex of some categorical products of graphs, Homology Homotopy Appl. 26 (2024), no. 2, 349-373.
with Omar Antolín, Homotopy type through homology groups, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 30, 28 (2024).
The Forest Filtration of a Graph (submitted).
Polyhedral joins and graph complexes (submitted).
FC-UNAM, semestre 2022-1, Gráficas y Juegos.
FC-UNAM, semestre 2021-2, Gráficas y Juegos.
FC-UNAM, semestre 2021-1, Gráfica y Juegos.
FC-UNAM, semestre 2020-2, Álgebra Lineal I.
FC-UNAM, semestre 2020-1, Gráficas y Juegos.