Andrea Poiatti, PhD, AvH Fellow 

Hi! My name is Andrea Poiatti. I am an ESPRIT Project Leader at the University of Vienna, in the "Applied Mathematics and Modeling" group led by Ulisse Stefanelli. The title of my project is "Geometry and phases on elastic-fluidic biomembranes".

Furthermore, I am an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow

I formerly worked - and I am continuing the collaboration - with the group of Maurizio Grasselli at Politecnico di Milano.

My research field is focused on the mathematical analysis of nonlinear PDEs, namely on phase-field models for complex fluids. In particular:

Personal data

Faculty of Mathematics

University of Vienna

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien, Austria 

Office: 04.130  

Tel. +43 1 4277 50703 

