Andrea Olivo

   Ph.D. in Mathematics

I am working on topics from harmonic analysis and geometric measure theory.

Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at BCAM- Basque Center for Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Carlos Peréz and Luz Roncal. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy, under the supervision of  Emanuel CarneiroBefore that, I had a short postdoctoral fellowship (six months) at the  University of Buenos Aires, IMAS - CONICET, working with Ezequiel Rela.

I completed my  Ph.D at the University of Buenos Aires, FCEyN, supervised by Pablo Shmerkin.

I no longer receive emails at : aolivo (at)

Address:  Alameda de Mazarredo 14, 48009 Bilbao, Spain.

Tel: +34 946 567 842

E-mail: aolivo(at)bcamath(dot)org 

 Here's my CV