This site exists to expose corruption within Anderson County, SC’s planning process, lack of transparency in governance, misuse of public funds against citizens, disregard for First Amendment rights, and abuse of state and federal courts. Its goal is to ensure greater transparency so Anderson County officials can no longer act without fear of accountability.

Anderson County Council has already squandered upwards of $100,000 in taxpayer money on a frivolous federal lawsuit against this website—an attempt to silence it and intimidate others from exercising their First Amendment rights and demanding accountability. Behind closed doors, the use of additional funds has been authorized to benefit officials under investigation.

Taxpayers should not be forced to cover the legal expenses of public officials accused of wrongdoing, especially when these expenditures are hidden from the public. If misconduct is found, those responsible—not the taxpayers—should bear the consequences. At this time, this site can confirm that Anderson County Councilman for District 6—James "Jimmy" Davis—is under state investigation. Embarrassingly for District 6, the investigation of Davis began while his previous predecessor was serving a federal prison sentence for stealing from his own District 6 constituents.

If Councilman Davis intends to continue serving District 6 while under investigation, he must disclose to the public the reasons behind the investigation—at least from his own perspective. Moreover, he should prioritize the interests of his constituents over his personal interests and grant the state permission to disclose the existence of the investigation into him. If public funds are being used for the investigation and his defense, the public has a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent.

In a misguided attempt to save face after it became clear their extravagant lawsuit would be unable to silence this site, Anderson County Council spent even more taxpayer money to add a disclaimer to this site. They made the ridiculous claim that the public would likely believe that this sitewhich refers to Anderson County government as corrupt—was sponsored by Anderson County. To underscore the absurdity of this claim, we agreed to include their requested disclaimer—at a staggering cost of approximately $6,000 per word to taxpayers—as it serves as yet another example of the waste and corruption within Anderson County government: 

"this website has NOT been approved, endorsed, or authorized by Anderson County, SC or it's planning commission"

While updating the site, we would like to extend a special thanks to Anderson County for significantly increasing traffic to this site—even if that was not their intent. Since their failed lawsuit, this site has received millions of visits—far more than we ever anticipated.

This site is currently under construction.