Andale Elementary/Middle School HSO

Our Mission

The mission of the Andale Elementary/Middle School Home & School Organization is to provide support to, and communication with, parents, teachers, students, administrators and the surrounding community. 

Sign up to Volunteer Today!

Upcoming Events 

January 20th - MLK Jr. Day - No School

January 24th - February 7th - Pledge Drive Fundraiser

February 14th - Pre-K-5th Valentine Parties

February 19th & 20th - Conferences

February 20th & 21st - No School

March 14th - End of Q3 - iReady Movie & Popcorn Reward

2024-25 HSO Officers

President: Kristen Barnt

Vice President: Amy Martin

Treasurer: Kelsey Call

Secretary: Amber Bartomeo

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to any officer directly or email us at!

Two new robots were purchased for the AMS Robotics Team! 

Andale will be sending two teams to competition this year with all of the student interest - Thanks Mrs. Svoboda for your hard work!

HSO purchased a new set of dumbbells & weighted medicine balls for MS gym class & summer weights for all participating students to use. 

With your help, $1,900 was spent on Staff Mini Grants this year! Thank you!


Andale HSO

Andale Elementary/Middle School HSO

500 Rush Ave.

Andale, KS 67001

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