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What is ANB Blockchain?

ANB is known as Access Next Blockchain is a decentralized blockchain technology having an economical data and security architecture that ordinary people can easily learn. It is a blockchain with a cryptocurrency named ANBcoin and has its own IBFT protocol algorithm, Bonsai Tries data storage, Advance PoS consensus, Permissionless, and On-Governance. Compare to other blockchains, ANB is mission and vision-oriented to support the community by providing different programs and ways of earning through its projects and developments in the future.

The following articles will further explain What is ANB Blockchain? Why it was built? and How it can help humanity and reshape the future of blockchain technology?.

Bonsai Tries

ANB Blockchain implements Bonsai tries.

This log layer provides a smaller store of changes that, when needed, can be used to construct the complete history of the tries, not just the most recent. This reduces storage and offers much faster times for nodes to read any data about Ethereum’s current state (O(1) account lookups). It also makes accessing the most recent data on the blockchain much faster, though lookups farther back take a little more time. To get into the weeds, the bonsai approach also provides implicit tree pruning, reduced disk usage by nodes, faster synchronization of nodes, and a reduction of the client “running blocks behind” the network.

Read more about Bonsai Tries: Bonsai Tries - ANB Blockchain Resources (gitbook.io)

IBFT Protocol

ANB Blockchain IBFT Protocol

ANB uses the IBFT consensus algorithm. This algorithm ensures a single, agreed-upon ordering for the transaction and provides added benefits and enterprising. Where safety does not depend on any timing assumptions for the algorithm is deterministic, leader-based, and optimally resilient. ANB consensus algorithms are involved in transaction validation, block validation, and block production.

Read more about IBFT Protocol: ANB IBFT Consensus - ANB Blockchain Resources (gitbook.io)

Lower Gas Fee: Nearly Zero

The gas fee is very important in the blockchain. Gas fees are payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the ANB blockchain. "Gas limit" refers to the maximum amount of gas (or energy) that you're willing to spend on a particular transaction.

This simply means that in ANB Blockchain gas fees are made lower for the team behind it wanted to make a change for goodwill. ANB understands the financial struggles of people who wanted to learn blockchain technology. To give access to everyone, ANB gave affordable gas fees to reach the ordinary individual and those who are willing to learn blockchain technology.

Read more about why ANB has lesser gas fees: anbglobally.gitbook.io/anb-blockchain-resources/anb-blockchain-documentation/anb-values

Security , Trust and Transparency

ANB Scan

A blockchain with its search engine is very important ANB also has its own scan. This system is added to ANB for transparency and giving users access to check confirm and validate all transactions that happened in the ANB blockchain. Thus, this was developed to allow fast and decentralized trading and transactions, and this will run parallel with Access Next Blockchain and manage all smart contracts optimally. ANB Scan's main aim is to reduce financial fraud and theft cases and bring the highest security to its users and build trust and a transparent ecosystem.

Click here to direct you to ANB Scan

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ANB Coin 10 Rounds ICO

Leveraging the cutting edge of technology, ANB blockchain also features PICASWAP- a Decentralized Exchange-Bridge-Multichain that will generate more assets and make people earn Peg tokens by crossing the bridge in a user friendly-ecosystem.

ANB blockchain is your way to trade.

Therefore, ANB Blockchain is made for you, your friends, family, and those who wanted to move forward and embrace the change.

ANB coin ICO chart price!

Why ANB Blockchain is the next blockchain of the future?

  1. Access is given to people.

  2. Understanding the needs and helping humanity to solve the problems is the main priority,

  3. Educating the mass to gain financial literacy.

  4. Strong development support!

  5. Supporting developers is vital specifically younger generations for blockchain is a need.

ANB Coin

This is the official ANB Coin


ANB DEX-bridge-Multichain


ANB Reward Token for the Community

ANB Future Projects and Developments for the Community

Access Next Blockchain has a futuristic plan of developing Centralized and Decentralized Applications that could give the solution, convenience, sustainability, and financial freedom to the people. The following are the future projects in a centralized system but is subject to upgrading it to decentralized prior for innovation:

NFT Marketplace

ANB Metaverse

Multi-Signature Wallet

Multichain Swap

ANB Meet

ANB Online

ANB Play


Access Granted

ANB Blockchain is the future, what are you waiting for?