Poop, BRO!

A 2-D Co-Op puzzle game


Poop, Bro! is a 2-D Co-Op puzzle game where the biggest conflict is cursed mechanics.

Welcome to Poop, Bro!

This game is about 2 guys encountering a witch who works for the Poop God Pooplu. The Witch has now cursed both the players, they can only move if they have food in their stomach.

How to play:

  1. Both players have to reach a toilet to escape the level.

  2. Both players have combined limited moves.

  3. Players have to eat food to gain more moves.

  4. Avoid touching traps, walls, and running out of moves.

  5. Eating each food will befall a curse on the players.

Curses (any one of this is applied at a time for each player):

Inverted: Vertical and Horizontal moves are inverted (pressing up will make the character go down, etc.)

Switcheroo: Players now control each other’s horizontal movements (player 1 will control Player 2’s horizontal movement and vice versa)

Camera Tilt: Camera tilts either 90* or 180*

Slow movement: Player’s movement speed decreases to half.

Infinite Moves: For 2 seconds players can move however many tiles they want to.

Random Keys: Player befallen the curse will have random keyboard keys for movement (keys will be shown on the screen)

This game was created within 48 hours and submitted to Kenney Jam 2020 and Miz Jam 1. I played the role of Game Designer and Level Designer