Analyse Fonctionnelle

Course Info

The lectures will be every Monday from 11:30-13:00 in Maison du Nombre room 1.050. The exercise sessions will be held by Nicolas on Fridays from 8:00-9:30 at the same place.

You can email me at nathaniel(dot)sagman(at)uni(dot)lu or nathaniels1729(at)gmail(dot)com. My office is MNO E06 0615-170. If you'd like to meet to discuss anything, 

Resources on mental health at the university: see here and here

Course catalogue description

The course will cover the following topics: Banach spaces and bounded linear functionals. Hanh-Banach theorem and Baire Category theorem. Uniform boundedness principle. Open mapping theorem. Closed graph theorem. Unbounded linear operators. Issues of classical compactness. Weak topology. Weak* topology. Reflexive and separable spaces. Lp spaces (reflexivity, separability, duality, strong compactness). Hilbert spaces and their duals. Theorems of Stampacchia and Lax-Milgram. Hilbert sums. Orthonormal bases. Compact operators. Riesz-Fredholm theory. Spectrum. 

The more accurate course description

The main topics we plan to cover, roughly in order, are:

We will put an emphasis on examples. Time permitting, we will discuss more advanced topics 

For assessments, there will be a) small homework sets every 2 weeks and b) a midterm test on April 15, and c) a final exam, some time in June. The grading scheme will be: 

Course Materials


Lecture notes


I do not plan to follow one text, and will mainly draw from the sources of course notes above, together with some sections from the course notes for similar material taught at McGill University, found here and here

Standard textbooks that might be helpful:

A basic reference for background material could be Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis.

For a historical perspective, from which you would certainly learn a lot (but is not necessary for our course), I recommend Dieudonné's History of Functional Analysis.

Exercise sheets (for Friday sessions)