
after installing anaconda navigator(following the guide on the official website) i can manage to launch it from the terminal but cant seem to find a icon for it in menu

I tried following this tutorial

Here is a guide that specifically covers Anaconda - for desktop file creation:


Anaconda Navigator Download For Ubuntu

Download File 🔥 https://fancli.com/2y5HWI 🔥

I've installed RStudio (in anaconda) and everything is working great. When updating packages through the anaconda-navigator environment panel (which should automatically update Rstudio), this doesnt happen.

I realised that the location Anaconda-navigator is saving the R-packages it downloads is not the same as from where RStudio is reading packages from. Long question short, would anyone know how do I change the directory RStudio is reading packages from (permanently), or the reverse, where is anaconda-navigator (for the current environment) saving the R-packages?

I have installed Anaconda on my Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. The instructions I was following seemed to think I would have a desktop icon, but I don't. I eventually found out that I needed to type anaconda-navigator in my terminal to open it.

I am now trying to open an anaconda prompt. The lack of search results on how to do so, leads me to believe that it's very trivial under normal circumstances. But I don't see any icon, and when I look for anaconda or prompt in my apps, Ubuntu returns nothing.

For example, .bashrc will be edited to extend the PATH environment variable. As of this writing, anaconda installer updates only ~/.bashrc of the current user. So if you want to allow other users to access this program, you need to edit /etc/profile.

Now the uninstall is complete. Projects created with conda will not be removed unless you have saved them inside anaconda-install-location like /opt/anaconda3/myproject or /home/seeni/anaconda3/myproject.

A programmer spends a lot of his time searching for the commands to use in CLIs(Command Line Interfaces). These CLIs are used to execute user-provided instructions. These are plain text with some special words. Eg: sudo apt update : Updates all software installed in ubuntu.

Cconda in anaconda terminal is a package management system. Eg: conda list will list all packages installed. conda install graphviz install a graph visualizer for drawing graphs. This Anaconda Distribution contains 250 commonly used software pre-installed. Some of them are Anaconda Navigator, Jupyter Notebooks, Spyder shell environment etc. Anaconda Distribution installs all packages at once and makes it handy to use.

Anaconda Installation is very easy and has a rich documentation. Anaconda navigator lists out all the basic tools that a statistician, developer, researcher needs in his work. Its GUI enables a convenient flow to access applications.

In that case I am just wondering if that is true. I also use anaconda and download it directly from source (anaconda website) and install on my computer. Using AUR here means there is sort of another middle man that packaged it to install via pacman.

I installed anaconda in the VM via AUR, when starting anaconda and later spyder, there were some error messages. when solving these problems, there were problems with python or pip in the operating system. the problems have spread to the operating system.

I installed anaconda navigator and it installed successfully too. But when I write anaconda-navigator in terminal and press enter, the following screen comes but the anaconda-navigator does not start:

Once you're installed, try activating the Anaconda virtual environment before and then running the application.This should add the program to your PATH.The steps below activate Anaconda's virtual environment and start anaconda-navigator.

Use Enter to accept the default install location, use CTRL+C to cancel the installation, or enter another file path to specify an alternate installation directory. If you accept the default install location, the installer displays PREFIX=/home//anaconda3 and continues the installation. It may take a few minutes to complete.

I am running Anaconda Navigator on Kubuntu 17.04 & getting a successful launch of the navigator window. Not knowing any of your error messages or statement; you could try reinstalling with command:conda install -c anaconda anaconda-navigator

people who want to train a deep learning model usually need anaconda environment, which provides a better toolbox including RStudio, Jupyter and so on. I found if you wanna build a perfect deep learning training model, Anaconda is a very productive choice. However, RStudio and Reticulate solution looks pretty buggy in this toolchain so far.

Spyder should be installed when you install the anacondadistribution. However, if spyder has not been installed (observedonce on a Mac M2 in December 2022), then use the command condainstall spyder to install it.

In my case it was: VMware Fusion 10.1.1 and VirtualBox 5.2.26Step 2: download operating system iso

This instalation based on Xubuntu. Xubuntu is an easy to use distribution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus on low memory footprint. 17dc91bb1f

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