Current Appointment: 

I have a permanent position (JTP) at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales  (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) 

Assistant Researcher for CONICET and 'Centro Marplatense de Investigaciones Matemáticas' (UNMdP-CIC)

Email address:  or 


(2021-2022) Postdoc at the University of Glasgow and visiting scholar at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge for the cluster algebras and representation theory research program.

(2017-2020) Postdoc at the University of Graz, Austria, with Karin Baur.

(2013-2017) PhD Conicet grant. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Adivisors Ralf Schiffler and Sonia Trepode.

In this page you can find:

... and mysterious links that I put here so I don't forget where they are.