
We would like to get a realistic estimate of the number of attendees well in advance of the event, so as to be able to order the right amount of coffee. Registration is free of charge and possible using this registration form. If you haven't done so yet, please register as soon as possible.

Anyone working on topics related to social choice is cordially invited to participate in the workshop's open poster session. We specifically welcome submissions discussing work in progress (but you are equally welcome to simply submit a poster you are also presenting at another conference). Poster submission is now closed.

We are happy to be able to offer travel support (up to EUR 300 per person) to a limited number of eligible participants. We consider eligible everyone whose institution provides limited funding for participation in events such as this workshop. The application process is easy: present a poster, indicate that you would like to make use of our travel grant scheme in the registration form, and send an email to the workshop organisers with a letter from your work supervisor (for example the supervisor of your PhD) stating that you indeed are eligible for the grant.

We particularly encourage people from under-represented communities to use the travel grant and join the workshop.Â