No, amssymb is not redundant with the other packages in your MWE. It sets up a number of other math fonts and symbols. Because its names for those fonts and symbols have become so standard, many other packages either load amssymb automatically, or provide their own version of the same symbols.

If you do not need amssymb because you are loading different math fonts, you do probably want to take it out. The AMS fonts use up several of the sixteen math alphabets legacy 8-bit TeX allows you. Trying to load more math alphabets than that could cause your document to fail, on some TeX engines.

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Today I want to talk about two important packages in the LaTeX Math's world, amsmath and amssymb, these packages are very important if you want to create more advanced maths these provide you more math symbols which you can use, let me give you a brief introduction

The last packages are huge, enormous in the features that provide to the user, we are not going to use each single thing here why? because we can not do it, these are lots of commands, instructions, symbols, etc.

The principal package in the AMS-LaTeX distribution. It adapts for use in LaTeX most of the mathematical features found in AMS-TeX; it is highly recommended as an adjunct to serious mathematical typesetting in LaTeX.

amsmath is part of the LaTeX required distribution; however, several contributed packages add still further to its appeal; examples are empheq, which provides functions for decorating and highlighting mathematics, and ntheorem, for specifying theorem (and similar) definitions.

To view documentation for a package in an installation based on TeX Live, the easiest way is to type this at a command-line prompt: 

 texdoc -l package name 

 The desired item can be selected from the offered list. 

 If texdoc is not installed on your system, or the documentation component of TeX Live has been omitted, a documentation item can be viewed via TeXdoc Online.

The amsmath package provides a handful of options for displaying equations. You can choose the layout that better suits your document, even if the equations are really long, or if you have to include several equations in the same line.

The standard LaTeX tools for equations may lack some flexibility, causing overlapping or even trimming part of the equation when it's too long. We can surpass such difficulties by using the amsmath package, which can be added to preamble of your document using \usepackage{amsmath}.

I need the "\vDash" symbol in my latex documents, so I included \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb} in my .tex file.

As far as I know the ams packages are included in TeX-live, but I get errors and it doesn't compile. Other packages like tikz work fine.

I've been using the code \mathbf{\hat{\textnormal{\bfseries\i}}} in my document, but as this uses the amsmath package (or possibly the amssymb package, sorry I don't know I am very new to both LaTeX and matplotlib) I cannot use it in the matplotlib label.

Hence I would love to know how to use LaTeX in matplotlib and how to write a preamble to install the package needed to use these symbols. I hope this makes sense, and I know this is probably already out there or is simple but I'm new so please dont get angry!

If the answer of @Jim Parker didn't work with you - like what happened when I had the same problem - I think this will work correctly, as the above method changes the standard preamble, but this method adds the packages that you want to the preamble.

There could be several reasons for this. First, make sure you have properly loaded the amsmath package in your document's preamble. Also, check for any syntax errors or conflicts with other packages. Additionally, make sure your LaTeX distribution is up-to-date, as older versions may not support the amsmath package.

If you encounter errors when using the amsmath package, try removing any custom commands or environments that may be conflicting with it. You can also try loading the package with different options, or using the \usepackage* command instead of \usepackage to ignore conflicts with other packages.

The official documentation for the amsmath package can be found on the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). You can also find helpful resources and tutorials online, or consult with other LaTeX users for tips and advice.

Obsidian uses Mathjax which is an emulator of some of latex math and its main packages. (amsmath is included).

Mathjax is not however a latex system and does not support importing latex sty packages.

In the article class latex simply can't recognize the symbols like \sqaure \Box, but in the beamer class they are working. Any idea how to make them work in the article class? Do I have to use some special math package?


Next: Mathmode accentsMathematical symbols for LATEXMike ZabrockiUniversit  Montral, CRM& Universit du Qubec  MontralThese symbol images are taken from a mirror site in Austrailia by JohnMarley. If you would like a gif of an individual symbol,

it is easiest to get it there. These images were created by screensnapshots and then individually edited

This document is based largely on section 8.2.2 of the LATEXCompanion by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin.

 Mathmode accentsGreekand Hebrew lettersStandardLATEXWithamssymb packageBinaryoperation symbolsStandardLATEXWithlatexsym packageWithamssymb packageRelationsymbolsStandardLATEXWithamssymb packageArrowsymbolsStandardLATEXWithamssymb packageMiscellaneoussymbolsStandardLATEXWithlatexsym packageWithamssymb packageVariablesized symbolsDelimitersLargedelimitersLATEXmath constructsAboutthis document ...

Mike Zabrocki

January 22, 1998

 To the

First, we import rc from Matplotlib, which is used to specify configurations. In the second line, we use rc to specify the use of LaTeX as default renderer for text. The third line indicates that we want to add the amssymb package, which defines the \square command you need. Finally, we use Sage's command for plotting.

geometry driver: auto-detecting

geometry detected driver: dvips


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No pages of output.

Transcript written on 2c666a8feb5dd27d92f3c286e7775fb6.log.

If your document requires only a few simple mathematical formulas, plain LaTeX has most of the tools that you will ever need. If you are writing a scientific document that contains numerous complex formulas, the amsmath package[1] introduces several new commands that are more powerful and flexible than the ones provided by basic LaTeX. The mathtools package fixes some amsmath quirks and adds some useful settings, symbols, and environments to amsmath.[2] To use either package, include:

The AMS (American Mathematical Society) mathematics package is a powerful package that creates a higher layer of abstraction over mathematical LaTeX language; if you use it it will make your life easier. Some commands amsmath introduces will make other plain LaTeX commands obsolete: in order to keep consistency in the final output you'd better use amsmath commands whenever possible. If you do so, you will get an elegant output without worrying about alignment and other details, keeping your source code readable. If you want to use it, you have to add this in the preamble:

REVTeX 4.2 comes with template files called apstemplate.tex for APS journals and aiptemplate.tex for AIP journals as well additional templates for AAPM and SOR journals. They are located in the doc/latex/revtex/sample directory.

Combining multiple references into a single bibliography entry when using BibTeX was one of the most common problems authors run into. During the development of REVTeX 4.1, we worked with Patrick Daly to add enhancements to his natbib package to make this straightforward. To combine two references together, prepend an * to the argument of the \cite command. For instance, if you want the bibitems with keys feynman and bohr combined into a single entry, use \cite{feynman,*bohr}. The references will be separated by a semicolon in a single entry.

You need to either use \usepackage{graphics} or \usepackage{graphicx}

Somewhere in your TeX distribution is a file called or grfguide.dvi. You may want to read it to learn how to resize and reposition your graphics. Alternatively, search at CTAN for "grfguide" to locate a copy of the guide.

I'm using Mnemosyne to create note cards for my research and math courses. There are some Latex symbols for which special packages need to be added. For example, to use the real number symbol Latex requires amsmath to be added and the command \mathbb{R} used. My question is, can such packages be loaded so that the Latex support of Mnemosyne will recognize a command like \mathbb{R}? If so how?Currently, my cards can only work with the default package. Thanks for any help you can offer.

I can't seem to get it working. I must be doing it wrong. I've tried: \usepackage{amsmath} \mathbb{R} and also: \usepackage{amsmath} \mathbb{R} Neither of which works. I also looked into the "advanced" link from the page you sent me to. It appears that one should be able to add packages to the latex preamble in the file which would make it possible to have them automatically available, that would be greatly preferable. However, I've followed the path on the page and scoured the rest of my drive as well and can't seem to find the file anywhere. More help appreciated :)

I did some more work and managed to get it up and running. For future information either to devs or to anyone else trying to get their cards to work what I did (and the problems I encountered were).1) I attempted to follow the specified file path and couldn't2) I went into Mnemosnye itself and went to File->Open

 This took me to the folder in User>(My Name)>AppData>Roaming>Mnemosyne


 In this folder was the file but I could not open it (I didn't just get the "Windows can't open this type of file" message but an actual error preventing anything else from happening.3) I tried to follow the file path with Mnemosyne closed. 

 However, upon getting to User>(My Name) there was NOT a file "AppData" visible and so I could not continue.4) I went back into Mnemosyne. Went through step (2) again, but this time I copied the file path from the navigation bar.5) I closed Mnemosyne again and then went to the search bar in the start menu and pasted in the file path. This took me back to wear I had been in step (2) but now with Mnemosyne closed windows displayed the standard "Windows doesn't know how to open this file" error.6) I opened the file in Notepad and edited the Latex part of the file adding in both \usepackage{amsmath} and also \usepackage{amssymb} between the lines \pagestyle{empty} and \begin{document} commands, just as one would in a Latex document.7) I saved the file and closed it.8) I opened Mnemosyne and created a new card using \mathbb{R} and the real number symbol was correctly displayed.I hope this information helps anyone out there in a similar situation that I found myself in. Thanks to Pete for putting me on the right trail. Good Luck All :) 006ab0faaa

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