Where I'm From

By Travis K.

I was born in a small town with a lot of cool landmarks. 

Camden yards, 

my favorite place, 

sometimes I imagine, 

hearing the crowd cheering, 

hearing the music for when I come out to pitch for the game, 

the perfect game. 

That is where I'm from. 

People say I am crazy,

they put me down saying I am not and that I can’t be or I'm not good enough. 

But deep down, 

I am good enough, 

and I am from. 

But Catonsville is a beautiful place, 

people are so friendly.

There are also some people that are mean, 

but their words don't bother anyone. 

There's a net so I can practice pitching, 

and a shed where my dad puts his things. 

Our driveway has rocks in it, 

but my mom has a jeep so it does not do anything to our cars.

The streets are pretty rocky but we are fixing that. 

Houses are pretty nice, 

but only a few are old and broken down. 

People say where i'm from is bad, 

and not good, 

but if you know what it really is like, 

then it is a pretty nice place.