Where I'm From

By Arianna

I am from the messy on the outside to pretty on the inside type of houses. 

From the damaged sidewalks to the trees with piles of leaves at the bottom all scattered.

I’m from volunteering at animal shelters and pet shops at Westfield Mall. 

Helping rats to cats/kittens and ferrets to birds. 

I am from restaurants like Cheesecake Factory and Red Robin.

I’m from competitive sports.

 Winning and losing, bruised knees and hyperventilation problems.

The sounds of volleyballs hit the floor and cheers with screams and victory. 

I am from my mother’s hard working skills and my father’s toughness while teaching martial arts.

I am from social media. Texting, scrolling, taking pictures, posting, etc.

From engaging with technology to engaging with the real world.

I’m from art. From sketching to painting and coloring to showing the final product. 

I am from sweet treats. Chocolate goods, Sour sweets and tasty sweet treats.

I’m from baking. Cupcakes, brownies, cakes and much more.

I am from nature walks and gardens. Taking deep breaths and feeling the breeze.

But most of all. I am from being me.