The Weird Dream

By Fatima N.

Yesterday, I had a very weird dream where I was transported to the future. My dream went like this. In the dream I was in front of a building that said  "Movie Theater" . I knew what theater meant But I didn't know what The word Movie meant. My legs took me inside and it was really warm. There was someone sitting at the counter and a line of people waiting for something. I also got in the line, when my turn came the man on the counter asked me for a dollar. His face told me that he wanted me to give him something. So I gave him a penny, He stared at me and said " I asked you for a dollar." I reached into my pocket and found 3 green pieces of paper. I gave him that and he accepted. He let me go into a door where people were sitting on comfy chairs. There was a big black screen and it was absolutely quiet. When I sat down the big black screen turned to colorful people playing a role. I enjoyed the show but after 10 minutes a woman appeared. I couldn't believe it. I started yelling and I threw  sunflower seeds everywhere. Atomically I was kicked out of the building immediately I was kicked out of the building and like that the dream ended.