The Murder-Ween Party

By Jay N.

I hate this class, it’s just so boring and I would rather be in any other class right now. The only good thing about this class is that I have a few friends stuck in here with me. Oh thank god, the bell just rang, I can get out of this school. I put on my jacket, pack my pencil case into my bag, and get up to leave, but I was stopped by Diallo.

“Hey Anne, Ethan told me to give this to you.” Diallo handed me an invitation to a halloween party. I was kinda excited, I had this costume I’ve been working on for a while, maybe when I’m older I can be a famous arts and crafter. I hopped on the bus to go home and was on my phone the whole time, and I saw in the group chat with me and my friends, that Noah was hosting the party for just us, and he bought a bunch of alcohol. I don’t understand how everyone thought it was normal to have alcohol there when we were only 17, sure we were close enough but still. 

It was the next day, the weekend had just started and I was ready to party with my friends, I had this warrior angel costume on, I had white and gold all over me, white wings with a tint of gold here and there, golden armor, a bright halo and sword, and a golden and white shield. My costume was great, and I made it all on my own, I was really proud of myself. I grabbed my keys, got into my car, and was on my way. As I got there I was greeted by Amari and Diallo, who were brothers, and I went inside with them. Diallo was dressed up as the fire devil dragon that my character defeated in this one movie called the angel queen and the devil dragon, I know right, great name. Once I was inside I said hi to everyone and grabbed a drink. Emma was a lifeguard, Adam was Steve from Stranger Things, Ethan and Amanda were supposed to be Peanut butter and Jelly to match each other they said, but I realized that they were gone. However Noah told me they were getting drunk upstairs. Imani was Barbie, and Amari was Itachi from Naruto. After we all drank for a bit, we sat for a bit and started playing some party games. After we did some of the JackBox Party Pack 7 games, we got a little bored. But my drunk boyfriend decided to give out his just great recommendation.

“Let’s p…LAy spin the…BOttle.” He could barely stand up straight and he had annoying hiccups that stopped him after every word. I guess everyone was either too drunk to realize we all have partners and shouldn’t be kissing each other, or maybe I was overreacting and was just being a killjoy. I didn’t have too much to drink so I thought I was thinking clearly, but after a few more drinks, I thought maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal. So Me, Emma, Adam, Imani, Olivia, Amari, and Diallo, sat down to spin the bottles. Who knows where Noah, Ethan, and Amanda were, well actually Ethan and Amanda were probably still kissing out upstairs. We were all sitting on the carpet around this little glass circular table, it had a few cracks in it, but it wasn’t going to break soon, so we used that to spin the bottle on.

 The first spin was very boring, it was Olivia and her boyfriend Amari, but the second spin was really spicy, it was Adam and Emma. All of us knew that Adam had always liked Emma, but Emma never showed any signs of interest in him, in fact she showed the complete opposite. I feel bad for Adam but at the same time he’s liked her for too long regardless of her repeatedly showing clearly that she doesn’t feel the same. Emma was trying to back away but everyone was pressuring them into kissing, Adam started to really blush and his face turned bright red! This was so funny, spin the bottle really was a good recommendation! Finally after enough chanting and pushing around, Emma finally got annoyed enough and kissed Adam on the cheek, and oh my goodness. Adam went from a coral blush to his whole face looking like a tomato. He blushed so much that he fell down! He was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling, everyone started laughing! We all got up and separated, some of us went to the pool, some of us went to go get ready for bed, and I went with my boyfriend to get all our stuff out of our cars and put into our room we would be sharing for the night. We had our hands filled with bags because we planned on staying there for the long weekend, and once we brought our stuff up, I was exhausted. I laid down on the bed in the room and shut my eyes for a little while.

“AHHHHHHHHHhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! OH MY GODDDDDD!” I could hear someone screaming from outside, I quickly got up and me and Diallo ran down as soon as we could. We tripped up on the stairs and I hit my elbow at the bottom when I fell. Diallo quickly helped me up and we ran outside and saw almost everyone else surrounding the pool. Everyone looked terrified, half of them were crying, the rest looked like they were about to burst out in tears. Diallo and I went past the people to see what was going on. I almost walked into the pool by accident, I was close to falling in but caught my balance. Once I sorted out my balance, I saw what everyone was screaming and crying about, it was Noah. His lifeless body was deep underwater in the 25 foot area, with a bunch of weights on him. Ethan, Amari, and Amanda weren’t here. I guess they were somewhere else doing something.

“Who could have done this?!” Imani screeched, she couldn’t speak clearly, she had little hiccups from her sobbing. She was mad, I could tell she was very angry, so was Olivia. 

“Where’s Ethan, Amari and Amanda!” Yep, I was right, Olivia was very angry. We saw Ethan and Amanda walking towards us from the roof, they stood at the edge of the roof in terror as they looked upon Noah’s dead body in the pool. Ethan looked half drunk already, Ethan always drinks way too much. Amanda however was basically completely sober.

“Oh my god, what happened?!!” 

“We don’t know, someone put a bunch of weights on Noah and drowned him!” Olivia assumed. Amari was still missing, we went inside to look for him, Imani stayed outside and watched Noah. Adam, Emma, Diallo, and I looked in the basement, we walked slowly down the stairs, Diallo led us, I was behind him, Emma was behind me, and scared little Adam was walking slower than a turtle behind us. As we slowly went through the basement, we tried to find the light switch so we could see a little, we put our hands on the walls as we walked to see if we could feel a light switch or something, I swear I felt something but Emma was in my way to turn back now, after a few minutes of slowly walking around, I guess Emma felt something and screamed, she started to fall out of line running everywhere and swinging her hands, things turned into chaos. She kept screaming and running around like a headless chicken, bumping into every wall she could, finally during all this chaos, Diallo was able to find the light switch and turn it on. After the light turned on, kind of, it was flickering a little and was kind of dim the whole way through the basement, but anyways, we saw that Emma was freaking out over some spiderwebs that she had walked into, so all that chaos was because of the tiniest spider web. We searched the rest of the basement with no luck, we went back up to the living room, sat and waited. Everyone else came back and nobody had seen Amari, but then I realized Olivia was still gone. Then I heard something on the stairs, it was Olivia, and she was dragging Amari by his ear with one hand and the other with a knife.. 

“Amari, he did it, he’s the only one wet, you wanna know why? Because he put on some weights and went into the pool with Noah to make sure he would drown!”

“What?! No I would never! I was taking a shower! I sweat-” Amari didn’t even get to finish his sentence, blood went and stained the nice flower patterned carpet, I was horrified, 

Olivia was crazy. She just stabbed Amari in the chest, she didn’t even care. A 4 inch stab mark, the blood was pouring out of it, the edges of the wound was turning a maroon color with blood drying on it, Amari spit out some blood, he let out his final struggle breath, that was it for him.  I saw Diallo start to tear up, he gripped his hand into a fist, Diallo looked like he was about to punch her in the face. I don’t blame him, I would be really mad too if my brother randomly got killed for taking a shower. I put my hand in front of him and looked at him, I gave him that ‘please calm down’ look and he let out an abnormal exhale and calmed his anger down, then he inhaled, and I guess he didn’t calm down

“WHAT THE HECK OLIVIA, ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Olivia didn’t help by matching his energy.



“WE CAN’T TRUST ANYONE RIGHT NOW!” I was starting to get a headache. We let Olivia and Diallo get at each other's throats and the rest of us went into another room. I was trying to get as far away from Olivia and Diallo as possible. I was getting too tired, and I was really lazy as of  right now, I just wanted to lay down and relax. I wanted to go home but Diallo is gonna want his revenge arc and everything. Amanda went to shower and I swear I saw Ethan and Emma go up together, was Ethan about to cheat on Amanda upstairs with Emma? No chance, they’re just hanging out, whatever I need to give it a rest, I think too much, I’m just gonna sleep. It's been a crazy night, I really need to rest my head, gosh, I still can’t believe that Olivia went ahead and killed Amari like that, without any liable proof. Wait a second, liable proof, that’s it! Noah has such a big house, and there’s cameras everywhere, if we can find the camera room, we can see who drowned Noah! I think it's better for me to find the room myself, what if everyone else comes with me, we find out the truth, then all get stabbed or shot right there. I searched around, I couldn’t hear Diallo or Olivia shouting anymore so hopefully they’ve FINALLY calmed down. I found it, the room, there's a bunch of little television screens and a bunch of buttons, no clue what they do, but I didn’t want to mess up anything, so I pressed the button that looked like a rewind button (<<) and it started rolling back the tape, though it kinda took a long time. 

“RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ETHAN!!!!!!” That… doesn't sound good, though I’m in this position where, either I wait the next 5 minutes for this thing to rewind to Noah’s death to see the killer, or I show up so Olivia doesn’t stab me too. I guess I didn’t feel like getting stabbed at the moment, so I rushed out the door and looked around for everyone, after a few seconds I saw everyone outside, and I saw them circled again, oh gosh, what happened to Ethan? I heard someone say his name, is he okay?! No, no no no no no. His head- oh god, his head looks like it’s been smashed open, one side of his head flat on the ground, busted open, bits of his brain was scattered, a 2x scale range of and around his skull covered with blood, his skull popped open, little chips and cracks as it gets closer to his face, his right eye slightly squashed and popped from the impact. Did someone smash his head with a sledge hammer? Or did he fall off the roof, the roof… I think Imani and Olivia came to the same conclusion I did, and why do I think Olivia is about to do something incredibly stupid. Nope! I was wrong, idiotic Imani decided to rat out Emma.

“Guys, Emma was up there with Ethan just a few minutes ago, it could’ve been here that pushed him off!” This is just great, now Olivia’s gonna go off and kill Emma now isn’t she.

“I mean it does make sense, was she trying to teach him a lesson about cheating?” Great Amanda also thinks he was trying to cheat on her. 

“But it isn’t right to teach a lesson with his life!” Imani needs to stop being so emotional sometimes, she always acts like a little girl getting her candy taken away everytime something bad happens. Oh no… Olivia looks like she’s about to go crazy, don’t tell me she’s going too…

“Where is Emma?” Nope nope nope nope nope. I’m going to get Emma out of here, I grabbed Adam’s arm, and ran off to go get Emma. I brought him inside, down a hall, we made a left, then went up some stairs, passed through a couple doors, and then went through to the bedroom she was staying in, sure enough she was doing her makeup while looking in the mirror with a pink LED strip around it. She’s got music playing, ‘down down the river flows, up up, the bright sun glows, yes a rising Sun, it’s a brand NEW DAY^, IT’s time to have some fun, let's go out and play’ Yeah um she doesn’t have great music taste, she’s been listening to the same stuff since she was 3. 

“EMMA! Come with us, we need to hide, Olivia is going to come k-”

“What am I going to do? Go on Anne, what am I coming to do?” Great, Olivia followed us, I was hoping we could crawl away then sprint out to Emma without them noticing but I guess not. Olivia put her hand behind her back, and pulled out, a… where did she get that? Since when was she a John Wick fan? She pulled out a H&K P30L, it’s the same thing John used in the 2019 C3 movie! 

“NO!” Adam leaped up and put himself in front of Emma, arms spread out, everyone else catched up and saw what was happening in the room. 

“Olivia, please calm down.” Imani needs to butt out, or she’s gonna get killed. 

“Olivia! Sto-” *Pewk* The suppressed sound of the H&K went off as Olivia shot Imani.

“…via. Wh…yyyyy.”

“Your next Emma.”

“NO! I WON'T LET U TOUCH HER! GET AW-” *Pewk* *Peewk* Should I be running away? I can’t believe Olivia just killed both of them cold hearted, maybe she was the one who killed those people. *Thumph* Oh my- Diallo just tackled Olivia, she dropped the gun! I gotta get that, I rushed to grab it but Olivia grabbed my ankle and pulled me back, ouch, she made me fall and I tripped up on Imani, Emma and Adam. Now I’m all sticky and covered in their blood, ew. Diallo and Olivia were crawling and pushing, they were fighting for the H&K, I couldn’t do anything, Emma helped me up, but by the time I got up, I saw Olivia pressing the gun at Diallo’s forehead. I started to feel tears in my eyes, I couldn’t bear the thought of Olivia shooting him, I CAN’T LOSE HIM. I was losing my marbles, my lid was getting flipped, I was going bananas, and not because they are tasty, because I’m so close to beating the living unicorn barf out of Olivia, she’s killing everyone like it’s nothing. Oh my goodness, I owe everything to Amanda, I gotta take her out to Paris and get her some starbucks after we’re done with this. Whatever his is, well I guess this is just a dumb murder party. I don’t know if she grabbed that from the kitchen or where but thank goodness she went and got that. Ooooh haha, good. Olivia got what was coming for her, oooooh hahahaha, the blood, all that blood, oooooh, she just keeps going at it, stab after stab after stab after stab. One stab for each person she killed, then Amanda slices at her neck finishing her off. Perfect, thanks to Amanda, we were safe and crazy lady Olivia was dead, or so I thought. 

“It’s not fair, if I can’t get out with my boyfriend NEITHER CAN U.” No nO NO NO!

“STOP ITTT!” *Shhzzk* (Slice) NOOOO! That was it for me, I originally thought I was going to kill Olivia but, I guess not. I knew what I had to do, I grabbed Olivia’s John Wick replica, I pointed it at Amanda, she dropped her knife and put her hands a little above her shoulders and around her chin height level.

“Anne bae, please, just calm down ok..?” She said this as she slowly inched closer to me, I didn’t notice it because I was focused on keeping the gun straight at her head, and at Diallo. Whenever I’m staring in one direction for too long my eyesight gets a little blurry, Amanda knew this, and after I could barely see, she knocked the gun out my hand and leaped to grab it, she giggled a little then pointed it at me and pulled the trigger, it did nothing, the trigger didn’t even move, like I said, it was a replica, I pulled out the real H&K and pointed it at, she knew she was done for, she fell to her knees, and started to cry, I wasn’t falling for it this time, I pointed it at her. *Peww* Right in between her eyes, she started to bleed from where I shot and from out of her eyes, thank goodness. I rushed over to check on Diallo, he was still alive, he had been shot in his hip, it wasn’t going to be too bad. I was able to bandage him up, he was going to make it since he didn’t lose too much blood.

After Diallo was able to walk, I decided that before we left, we could go to the camera room to see what had happened. We went out of Emma’s bloody room, we went through some doorways, went down stairs, made a right, but didn’t go down the hall we came from, instead I took another right and then went down that hallway which led to the camera room. After we got in, I pressed the rewind button, we had to wait 5 minutes and it was kind of boring, I tried to make small talk but Diallo wasn’t interested, I made sure he was ok, and went to the kitchen to grab a drink for the both of us, I grabbed some juice, poured it in a glass, and went back, I figured the 5 minutes must’ve been up by now, so I tried to hurry back, when I got back, Diallo looked horrified.

“Who was it?!” I asked him, seeing that Noah was already dead in the camera footage, he didn’t speak, he rewinded it a few seconds, and we watched as Noah started speaking.

“Hey Youtube! Welcome back to another video at my mansion! Today we are going to do the underwater weights challenge! I’m going to put on these weights and see if I can escape the water!” No way. Noah, he- basically killed himself! Why would he even think of doing something like this! Oh my goodness, so that means. Diallo looked up at me after we watched Noah struggle to get out, he finally spoke, his eyes looked dull and his expression was blank, his voice was very dead.

“Everyone was killed because we thought someone drowned Noah, but he was just doing some dumb challenge.” 

“What about Ethan?” 

“He was just drunk and walked off, nobody pushed him.” He pointed at a different television screen and rewinded a little, it didn’t take long, it showed Emma and Ethan on the roof, Amanda and I were right, he was planning on cheating on her, Emma and him were kissing and getting drunk together, then they started dancing, and they got a little too close to the edge and he- wow, we really killed each other for no reason. It’s all my fault, if only I checked the camera footage and then showed it to everyone then most of us would’ve still made it. Diallo went to find somewhere to relax, I was going to follow him but then I heard Diallo’s voice on one of the televisions. I watched it for a little, it was Diallo and Olivia talking.

“If we killed everyone, then his mother, we’ll get all of Noah’s money and his big house, because all of us at this party are also on his will for when he dies.”

“Good idea, we’ll need to find a way to blame a bunch of people.”

“Don’t worry, I told Noah about this famous challenge he’s going to do in the pool, once he goes to attempt it, he’s not going to make it out of the pool alive, and I’ll tell Amari that he stinks and to take a shower, he’s really insecure about that stuff, he’ll by it and go shower immediately.”

“Perfect, and I’ve got an idea that we can use to pin this on Emma, I’ll go talk to her now.” What the- Diallo and Olivia was planning this from the start? I went to a different television screen and watched Olivia talk to Emma. 

“Hey Emma dear, Amanda is a little self-conscious about Ethan’s loyalty, will u get drunk with Ethan on the roof for this.” Olivia showed Emma a $100, wow, they’ve basically paid $100 for a whole mansion and Noah’s whole bank, 100000 times the amount of what they put in, this is like if stocks took steroids, 100 in, 1,000,000 out. Emma took the money, grabbed a bottle, and went upstairs, wow they planned this all from the start. When I see Diallo I’m going to kill- What the- Diallo just pushed me to the floor what is-

“You know the truth, now I can’t let you leave. If only you followed me to the bed and stopped poking your nose where it didn’t belong.”

“Diallo- what..are….yo..u……ing…I… can't….…..e…...…-” 

“Goodbye Anne.”