The Four Spartans

By Midcash D.

Chapter 1: The Kidnappings

Kilkenny, Ireland

4:30 P.M. Irish Standard Time

   It was a beautiful Monday afternoon. Kay stared out the bus window. The green Irish landscape zipped by. Music blared through her earphones. It was a rare sunny day in Ireland and she thought about doing her homework outside today. She looked around the bus. It was pretty empty for a Friday afternoon. A woman was asleep a few rows in front of her, and a tall man was wearing sunglasses a few rows behind. Other than Kay and the driver, they were the only ones on the bus. The bus slowed as they entered the suburbs then stopped in front of a weathered bench with a faded sign next to it that read 'Bus Stop'. The doors hissed open and Kay got off. The lady continued to sleep but the man with sunglasses got off too.

The doors hissed closed again and the bus rumbled off. Kay started down the road towards home. She balanced on the curb, arms extended to keep balanced. She walked past the busy restaurants, small cafès and long twisting alleyways she knew so well. She waved to old Mrs. O'Sullivan at the bookshop and Eddy at the small grocery store. She continued her trudge, lost in thought, when she got the feeling she was being followed. She looked behind her and saw the tall guy with sunglasses from the bus. He's probably just walking home the same way as me she thought, but walked a tiny bit faster. The tall man sped up too. Kay started to jog, then sprint. The man chased after her. She shouted for help but there were fewer shops around here and most of them were closed. The man was gaining on her. She was surprised how fast he was doing so too; as she was the fastest girl on the school track team.

Kay was running full speed now. She ducked into one of the dark twisting alleyways hoping to confuse the man. Frantic thoughts raced through her mind. Who was this man? What did he want from her? Would mam and da  worry if she didn't come home from school, or think she stopped by a friend's house? She ran through the alleys taking lefts and rights at random. She took a blind corner and ran right into the tall man. He grabbed her arms, preventing her from escaping. She opened her mouth to scream but he clamped a cloth soaked with a foul smelling liquid over her mouth and nose. She tried to inhale but immediately grew dizzy. Her vision dimmed and she felt her knees buckle. The tall man caught her. "Easy there doll." he said in a light Irish accent."Terribly sorry about this." Then Kay's vision went black. The tall man, who's name was Joseph, scooped up her unconscious body. A black van pulled up. Joseph put Kay in the back and got into the passenger seat. The van pulled away.

Las Vegas, Nevada 

8:00 P.M. American Western Time


"Hey Piper?" Asked Axel. "What!" replied Piper. "I gotta use the bathroom" "Fine" said Piper. "I'll take you after mom's number gets called." A moment later the man in the overhead speaker yelled: "Tasha Brown! Power Forward!" The crowd cheered. "Go Mom!" Piper yelled. And with that, they scooted down the row of seats.

As they walked, Axel accidently knocked popcorn out of somebody's hands. "Say you're sorry Axel." Piper said, glaring at him. "Sorry." Axel grumbles quietly. They walk up the stairs of the stadium, Piper's large pink afro bobbing the whole way. Stepping over popcorn and peanut shells, they ascend the stairs. "I'll Wait out here for you." Piper says as they reach the bathroom. Axel enters the men's room, and starts making terrible oohs and ahhs. After about 30 Seconds Piper thinks: Dang you're so loud. The kangaroos back home can probably hear you.

Piper was from Australia and moved to the U.S.A for her mom's WNBA Career 4 Years ago. Axel was later adopted into the family. They were at one of their mom's games since their dad had to work another shift at the vet's office. Axel emerged from the restroom with TP on his shoe "Eww." Piper wrinkled her nose. Then, Axel took it off and handed it to Piper. She looked as if he handed her a dead sewer rat. Then, a woman grabbed their heads and slammed them together. Piper and Axel are knocked unconscious. 

The lady put her fingers on an earpiece "Is the line sabotaged yet?" She whispered to a man on the other end of the line. "Yes ma'am" the guy on the other end of the line replied. "Good," the lady said. Just then she spotted a puddle of popcorn butter. She dropped Axel on top of the puddle and then Piper on top of him. "Help, help" the lady cried. "These kids have slipped in the butter and hit their heads. I think they're unconscious. Call an ambulance!" "I'll call," said some random guy in a red polo shirt and dark blue jeans. 9-1-1 he dialed. ``9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "These kids have fallen at the WNBA game." replied the polo shirt guy. "Ok we will be there soon with our ambulance. Stay calm and do not panic. Help is on the way."

A few minutes later, a red ambulance pulled up in front of the Las Vegas Aces stadium in downtown Vegas. Axel and Piper were pulled off on a stretcher. On the ride to who knows where, an evil scheme is discussed among shady workers, the lady included. "This lot will be perfect," said a guy dressed up as a doctor with a deep Scottish accent. "Once we modify their-" Axel blinks awake. "Who are you and where are we going?!?" Axel Demanded, getting to his feet. "Uh.. we are going to the hospital to see if you are concussed." Hospital? Did you say hospital?" Axel passed out again.

South Richmond, Virginia

5:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

"Alright, that's all for today." Coach yelled. "Pack it up!" 10 sweaty middle school boys tramped towards the parking lot, lacrosse sticks slung over their shoulders. "Thompson work on that shot. And Kingsley, don't forget to work on that cradle." The boys nodded wearily and hurried to catch their ride. Jace reached the parking lot and stood with his teammates waiting to be picked up from their after school practice. Jace talked and joked with his friends while waiting. 10 minutes passed, then 20. The last car pulled away, and there was still no sign of his mom's old green minivan. Coach stood next to him, legally not allowed to leave until all of the kids were gone. Coach looked at his watch and frowned. "It's getting late, kid. Is your mom gonna get here soon?" "I don't know sir, I think so." Jace replied. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket. A text message from his mom. He unlocked his phone and read the  message. Great. His mom was busy at work, so she couldn't make it. Yada yada ya. The usual. 

"Na coach. She's still at work" Jace told Coach Smith. "C'mon I'll drive you," Coach Smith replied. And with that they walked up the hill to the parking lot.

When they got to the top of the hill, Jace looked back down at the field. Soccer practice had just ended on the other field. So he did the same thing he always did; he looked. And then he saw her. Jannet Silver. His crush since the 2nd grade. She was the best player on the school soccer, basketball, and softball teams.

Once in 7th grade the 5' 8" girl dunked on their gym teacher. (Nobody knows how)

"Hey uh-uh coach gotta go get my pads. I left them down on the field." Jace lied. "Hurry up now," said Coach Smith. "I ain't got all day." 

Jace went down to talk to her. She had just finished chatting with her friends. "Hey Jannet!" he said. He yelled at himself in his head. Don't sound excited. Just play it cool. Jannet walked over. She's coming! He thought. She arrived. "You smell like a sweaty boy," she said. "Well you have an absolutely extraordinary nose," he said as he stared at her flawless nose. "Excuse me?" she snapped. "uh-I meant you have a good sense of smell." he tried to recover from his slip-up. Jannet smirked and rolled her eyes.  "I've got homework to do so get out of my way and maybe I'll be at the movies on Sunday at 6:00." She said, "Now move, I need to catch my ride."

Jace was so happy he ran a quick lap around the field. When he finished however, he felt a prick in his arm. He Looked and found a tranquilizer dart in his arm. He pulled it out quickly but was feeling too tired to even call for help. He felt dizzy. He began stumbling towards the nearest tree, but halfway there, he collapsed. Then, he was dragged into the forest and out of sight.