The Day Before My Birthday

By Fatima N.

Hi,I'm Lily. I am 11 years old my fathers name is Mohn and my mothers name is lusaminia my brothers name is Gladion. He is 12 years old and we are a Japanese family. By the way, it's going to be my birthday tomorrow. I'm so excited that I can't wait. Gladion wont let me see the presents he got for me. I tried to sneak into his room to see the gifts but he caught me on camera. To be honest I didn't even know he had a camera in his room. Gladion sent me straight to my room. I was bored So I called my best friend, Lana. She has two twin sisters Sarah and harper. I asked her if I could come over. She said I could, so I went over to her house. As soon as I came in, Sarah took my hand. She led me to Lana’s room. Lana was on her bed doing something in her diary while Harper wanted to bake cakes. I joined Lana and Harper on Lana's bed. We all decided to bake cupcakes. I took out the cake mixture from the cupboard. Lana read the recipe I put in the cake mixture Sarah accidentally put in 3 eggs instead of 2 so we had upgraded the recipe after we did that Harper put in the milk. After having Sarah and Harper drop the oil. The cake was finally ready to go in the oven, Lana  put the cake in the oven. Even though we finally had some time to rest from the big mess we still had another problem and that problem is that Harper is very impatient. The good thing is that luckily Harper has a playmate (which you should know by now but if you forgot that's Sarah.) After that seemed to be forever, the cupcakes were ready,Mallow came over and we added frosting and I took some home for gladion. When I got home perhaps everyone went to sleep because it was dark (Which makes sense since it's already 12) But when I opened the living room lights everyone popped out of their hiding spaces and even Lana, her twin sisters, and mallow and her family were all there. Everyone Wished me a happy birthday.