Ode to Bird:  Little Bird's Life

By Hannah K.

O beautiful bird,

how lovely you may sound.

Your beautiful light feathers

shine proudly in the light.

You fly past the quiet trees,

to figure out how the world may be.

In all of wonders you may have,

there is nothing that can hold you back.

Rivers, canyons, to big wide mountains,

wild as a tiger,

you always kept going.

Making your nest,

out of branches and hay,

you always work hard

to accomplish your tasks.

Finding, feeling, exploring the world,

every experience will count for you.

Landing soft as a little leaf,

It’s time to rest your little wings.

But your soft little wings

may not rest for long,

for they are like non-stopping gears.

As elegant and peaceful you may be,

it’s time to lay your wonders by noon.

Rest little bird,

for you work hard,

tomorrow will be a brand new start.