How to Find the Sunshine

By Evie K.

“We are never going to find him!” Allycia cried. “He must have disappeared or something, because he is nowhere to be found!”

“We’ll find him eventually darling, it's ok,” assured Josiah. “I’m sure we're about to find him, and then we’ll take him back to headquarters, and General Jude will take him off our hands.”

“I’m sure you're right, but it really doesn't seem like it right now. What if we never find him and then we get fired and then…” Allycia trailed off. 

“Look,” Josiah stopped and put his hands on her shoulders. “It’s going to be ok darling.”

They both snapped their heads towards the abandoned warehouse next to them as they heard a scream. It was hard to make out but it sounded like a young woman, around 21, crying for help. 

“Hello?” Allycia called. “We should go find the source of that noise, someone could be seriously hurt.” 

“You're right darling, but we can’t lose this lead,” Josiah replied. “We should split up. I’ll keep going this way and you'll find that noise.”

“Ok, be careful. I love you,” Allycia said. 

“I love you too darling,” Josiah smiled as he started to run the other way. 

As Allycia made her way into the abandoned warehouse, she kept hearing the cries. 

“It's ok! I’m coming to get you! I need you to keep making noise so I can find you!” Allycia cried.

“E KOKUA MAI!” the voice screamed. 

As Allycia made her way around a stack of boxes, she saw the source of the noise. There was a young woman beaten and tied up. She had brown hair that was everywhere, and she looked Hawaiian. She had a blindfold on, a gag in her mouth, and her hands and feet were tied up. 

“Hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s going to be ok honey,” Allycia whispered. 

“Please don’t hurt me,” the girl trembled. “I’m sorry, whatever I did, I didn't mean to. Mai pepehi ia'u.”

“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you,” Allyicia assured. “I need to know your name, age, and if you are ok.” 

“My name is Ka lā, I’m 22, and yeah, I think I’m ok,” Ka lā trembled.

“Ok, Ka lā. My name is Allycia, and I am here to help you,” Allycia comforted. “I’m going to cut you free ok. How did you get here?”
“I don’t really know. A few days ago, at least I think that’s how long it was, some guy kidnapped me from an alleyway. I never saw what he looked like, I just heard him talking. Then he brought me here, and he blindfolded me and has been doing awful things…” Ka lā trailed off. 

“It’s ok, we’ll find who this was. We have to go meet back up with my partner so that we can figure out what to do,” Allycia explained. “It’s going to be a bit of a walk, do you think you can make it?”

“Yeah, I think so,” Ka lā replied. 

Allycia helped Ka lā up and put her arm around her waist. Ka lā put her arm over Allycia’s shoulder and they started walking out the way Allycia came in. When they got to the exit of the building, Josiah was waiting for them. 

“We lost the le- woah there really was someone,” Josiah blurted. 

“Yeah and she’s hurt. We need to call headquarters to see what we should do,” Allycia pointed out. 

“Ok, I’ll do it,” Josiah said as he pulled out his phone. He dialed the number and called headquarters. 

“Hi, yeah this is Agent Josiah, confirmation number 45065263, I need to talk to the command.” Josiah stated over the phone. After a couple of minutes he started talking again. “Hello, command? Yes, Agent Allycia and I found a tied up girl while we were following a lead, we wanted confirmation on what to do.” There was another pause. “Sorry, what?! Command I don’t see how- Yes you’re right. Thank you.” He hung up. 

“Darling, can I talk to you for a minute?” Josiah asked. He pulled her to the side and whispered, “They want us to kill her.”

“What! Why?” Allycia exclaimed.

“I dunno, but I don’t think I’m down for that,” Josiah ranted.

“Well what are we supposed to do?” Allycia questioned.

“I say we take her to one of the safe houses they don’t know about,” Josiah decided. “We can call Ethan and get him to help her.” 

“See this is why I wanted to retire. We get ourselves into the craziest stuff sometimes.” Allycia joked. “But that is why I love you.”
“I love you to-” Josiah managed before he saw Ka lā slump to the ground.

“Ok, we need to go, now,” Allycia warned. 

“Yup,” Josiah replied as he picked Ka lā up and they started walking towards their car. 

When Ka lā woke up it took her a little while to figure out what was going on. When she did, she saw a man standing above her. 

“GET AWAY!” Ka lā cried. “PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!”

“Hey, hey. It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you,” the man assured. “Calm down please?”

“What’s going on here?” Josiah barged in. “I heard Ka lā screaming, is everyone ok?”

“Yes, she just woke up and got scared,” the man hesitated. 

Josiah walked over and kneeled down next to Ka lā. “Hey, do you remember me? It's ok,” he assured. 

“Yeah, hi,” Ka lā mumbled. “I’m sorry, I just thought, well I don’t know.” 

“It’s ok,” Josiah said, trying to calm her down. “This is Ethan, he’s going to help you feel better ok.” 

“Ok,” Ka lā replied. “Auhea wau?”

“Right now, I need to make sure you're ok,” Ethan explained. “Is that fine?”

“Um, I think so,” Ka lā stammered. “ʻAʻole ʻo ia e ʻeha iaʻu.”

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Ethan laughed. “Hiki iā ʻoe ke hilinaʻi iaʻu.” 

“Oh, ok,” Ka lā muttered. 

Later that day, Allycia, Joisah and Ethan called Ka lā into the living room of the safe house to talk.
“We’re going to call their command ok. We want to understand why they wanted- oh wait have they told you?” Ethan hesitated.

“Told me what?” Ka lā questioned. 

“The reason why you’re here and not back at our headquarters,” Josiah hesitated. “It's because they wanted us to kill you.”

“E pepehi iaʻu?!” Ka lā cried. “Why?!”

“That’s what we are trying to figure out, honey,” Allycia explained as she walked in. 

“So we are going to call them,” Ethan concluded.

“Ok,” Ka lā whispered. “That makes sense, I guess.”

“Are you sure you’re ok with us calling him, honey?” Allycia asked. 

“Yeah, I think so,” Ka lā said before whispering under her breath, “Mai hoʻohewa mai iaʻu inā hewa kēia..”

“Don’t think I didn’t hear that sweetheart,” Ethan joked. 

“Um, ok,” Josiah said. “I’m just going to call them.”

“Should we step out?” Ethan asked. 

“No, you should both stay with one of us at all times,” Allycia shared.

Josiah dialed the number of commands on the phone, not just headquarters. He put the phone on speaker so that they could all talk to command. 

“Hello, who is this? And how did you get this number?” the voice insisted. 

“Sir, this is Agent Josiah. We want to know why you told us to kill the victim!” Josiah demanded. 

Ka lā swore she knew the man's voice from somewhere but she couldn’t put her finger on it. 

“Since when have I had to explain myself to you two?” the voice taunted.

And that is when Ka lā realized who it was. She started shaking as everything reflashed through her head. 

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Ethan asked. 

“I see your friend doctor Ethan is there,” the voice taunted. 

“Josiah stop, she’s shaking alot,” Allycia warned. “You should hang up.”

“You know something don’t you?” Ethan faltered. 

“What is it, honey?” Allycia asked. 

“H-him,” Ka lā managed."ʻO ia kēlā.”

“You know his voice don’t you!” Josiah cried. 

“Sweetheart, is that the man who kidnapped you?” Ethan whispered. 

“And now the truth comes out,” the man ridiculed.  “Now all of you are targets.” 

“You kidnapped her! Why?” Allycia questioned. 

“I could waste my time explaining it all to you, but I’m already short on it so I’m good,” the voice replied. “Oh, and Ka lā, right, you can get the targets off of all of your backs. Just come to the alley where you were taken tonight. Anyways, gotta run. Bye bye now.” 

“Shoot, we need to go,” Josiah warned. “That was too long, they could have tracked us.” 

“Sweetheart, you can’t listen to him,” Ethan assured.

“He’s right, honey. It’s not your fault,” Allycia added on. “Command could be trying to kill you. It’s not your job to risk that for us. We all knew what we could be getting ourselves into when we helped you.”

“Yeah,” Ka lā muttered. “You’re right.” She knew that they had a point, but in her head she was planning how to escape them. She felt like she had to try, even if it risked her getting killed. They were all running around packing bags as they told her to stay calm. At that moment, she decided that she was going to fix everything. 

Later that night, Ka lā had come up with a plan. She would pretend that she was going to sleep, but she would sneak out of the window. She knew it sounded like a teenager’s plan to sneak out, but she hoped that is what would let her get away with it. They would never expect her to use such a simple plan. 

“I think I’m going to go to bed,” Ka lā lied. “It’s been an eventful day.”

“Ok honey, do you want any of us to come with you?” Allycia asked. 

“I’d prefer not if that’s ok,” Ka lā replied. 

“Of course, honey,” Allycia comforted. 

Ka lā walked into the bedroom and set up some pillows and blankets, just like a teenager would. She opened the window and saw how far of a drop it would be. She decided that all of her new friends' lives were more important than hers, and she took a leap of faith. She dropped down to the ground and hoped that nobody had heard her. She was glad she had mapped out where they had gone so that she would be able to get back to the alley. 

When she got to the alley, she saw him immediately. He was tall with dark brown hair. He looked to be in his 30’s. She automatically knew that he was the one who had kidnapped her. 

“So here we are. I think I should properly introduce myself. Considering I’ll never get a chance,” the man said as he pulled out a gun. “My name is Jude.”

“Are you going to kill me?” Ka lā whispered.

“Of course not, until they all get here,” Jude replied. 

“Why would you do this?” Ka lā accused. “It’s not right!”

“Oh why look at you. You’re like a little Captain America, everything is so black and white to you,” Jude ridiculed. 

“You’re still not answering my question,” Ka lā informed. “ʻO Bozo.”

“Well, I guess you’ll never get an answer, because that looks like them right now,” Jude answered as a car pulled into the alley. A woman stepped out, but Ka lā didn’t recognize her.

“Wait, that’s not… Heather?” Jude exclaimed. “You’re supposed to work for me! What are you doing here?!”

“I was never given a choice to help you or not. This girl’s friends came to me and asked where you might be,” Heather remarked as Allycia and Ethan stepped out of the car. “They knew that I would know because you told me everything. So maybe, this is all your fault.” 

Suddenly, Jude grabbed Ka lā and put her in a headlock with the gun pointed towards her head. 

“If you all don’t leave, I will kill her right in front of you,” Jude threatened. 

“E 'oluʻolu!” Ka lā sobbed. “Just get out of here!”

“Not without you!” Ethan cried.


At that moment everything, everything seemed to slow down. Ka lā screamed as she heard the gunshot and she felt a whoosh next to her head. Then, in a moment, the arm around her head was gone and she heard a body fall to the ground. 

“Sweetheart!” Ethan screamed as she ran over to him. “You’re ok! God, when I heard that shot I thought… I thought you were gone. It’s going to be ok.”

“Josiah!” Allycia exclaimed. “That was an amazing shot! Right into his head!” 

“Sweetheart,” Ethan assured as Ka lā started crying. “It’s going to be ok. He’s dead now, he won’t ever hurt you again.” 

He grabbed her into a massive bear-hug like hold and brought her face close to his. 

“I will never let him hurt you again,” Ethan whispered. “Ke hoohiki nei au.”

Ka lā could feel herself starting to fade away. She knew she couldn’t be dying as she hadn’t been hit, but it felt as if she might as well have been. 

“I’m scared,” Ka lā swallowed. “I don’t want to die.” 

“It’s ok,” Ethan assured. “You’re going to be fine.”  He paused before continuing. “There’s something I need to tell you. You might not remember this and I can tell you’re about to pass out, but I still want to tell you. Aloha wau iā ʻoe.” 

Then, he pulled her in even closer, and kissed her. Ka lā didn’t really understand what was happening, but she could tell that he was being truthful. The kiss was soft, and only lasted for a few moments before Ethan pulled away. 

“I-”  Ka lā started. 

“Don’t,” Ethan interrupted. “You need to save your energy. Don’t close your eyes, please. E ʻoluʻolu, e ka ipo.” 

The last thing Ka lā saw before she fell asleep was Ethan’s worried expression above her. As she slipped out of consciousness, she knew that she would be fine because he was there.

1 week later.

“Thank you,” Josiah said over the phone. “Yes we will make sure to do that. Bye now.”

He walked into the hospital room where Ethan, Allycia and Ka lā were sitting. Ka lā’s injuries had been worse than they originally thought and she had to stay there for at least a week.

“Good News!” Josiah exclaimed as he opened the door. “You are finally free to go.”

“Thank the Gods,” Ka lā said. 

“Now, I can take you on a proper date,” Ethan smiled as he kissed her on the check.

“You two are too cute,” Allycia chuckled. “Although the circumstances were interesting, I’m glad we all met.”

“Me too,” Josiah smiled. “I’m just glad that we are all able to be together now, safe and happy.” 

“aloha au iā ʻoukou a pau,” Ka lā beamed. 

The End


Special Thanks to:

Teagan P. for helping with character names

Emme A. for helping with making scenes more descriptive

Tristan S. for coming up with the idea of a multicultural character

Alice K. for listening to me reading it and giving me notes