Herbert's Work Day

By Grace D.

“Hey guys, I'm here!” I shouted 

John my co-worker said “ugh, it’s u”

I said “why do u dislike me so much?”

My co-worker said “you are always the boss's pet.”

“How” I said 

“you also do the most for no reason” he said 

“Well i just like my job, so i try to do my best” I said. 

“Whatever” he said.

The boss called me.

“Herbert!” said the boss.

“Yes sir” I said. 

“I need you to do me a favor,” he said. 

“Yes sir” I said. 

“I need you to fix a screw in the machinery,” he said. 

“Ok” I said

I went to the machinery to fix the screw.

“Oh hey there co-worker, what r u doing here?”I said.

“Oh hey, I'm just checking this thing out,” he said. 

I went to the machinery to fix the screw. I thought something was up with my coworker but i didn't think anything of it because i was thinking about that wish my father made and wonder if the 200 pounds is gonna be there when I get back home.

I started thinking about the wish, and was wondering if I should tell someone about it or just keep it secret.

Hours go by and I just sit at my desk doing my work but then suddenly the power goes out, Everyone is confused.

“What happened to the power” I said 

I tried to see if people noticed but couldn't see their faces to see if it was only me. I went to the machinery to see if there was a switch to turn the power back on, I felt someone near me. 

“Hello?..” I said. 

No one answered, I tried to find the switch to see if I could turn it back on before I went home but then all of a sudden something happened..

“HELP,HELP” I yelled. 

“WHO IS THIS?” I shouted.

My coworker started laughing..

“Haha u cant do anything now can u” he said slowly pushing me into the machinery.

“Someone help me” i said 

Before u knew it he was gone, no one knew who did it because the co-worker was smart enough to cut the cameras!..