Teams can forfeit a game at the expense of a fine and a 3-0 loss. If a game is forfeited after the forfeit deadline, Thursday 4 PM, the full referee fees (home + away team) plus a fine have to be paid by the forfeiting team. Teams are only allowed to forfeit two games per season.

Field Condition status for OCSC can be found on the AMSA Field Status page,

Field Status for NEMP and EMP can be checked via their rainout phone lines. Rainout numbers are listed on the AMSA Field Status page.

Amsa Psc Checklist


Each player must be registered with the team he is playing for, when stepping onto the field; this includes completed player card payment, completed address information, signed waiver. This is all done in Payments are made in Ateamo via PayPal or Stripe.

Players can register up until kick-off. Responsibility of completing registration lies with the player and the captain. Fielding an unregistered player leads to a fine, suspensions, and a loss by forfeit.

Suspensions are for gamedays. A player cannot play in any AMSA game when suspended. Suspensions are served next gameday the one of your teams is scheduled to play. A rained out game does not count towards serving a suspension. A forfeited game does count toward suspension.

Players younger than 18 are not eligible to play. Suspended players are not eligible to play in any game. Players registered for two teams in the same division are not eligible to play. Players sent off in a game are not eligible to play in any other game that same game day. Fielding an ineligible player leads to a fine, suspensions, and a loss by forfeit.

The checklist below will help you plan the activities each year which will help you as you prepare for your successful application to medical school. Be sure to meet with your pre-health advisor regularly to create a schedule that works best for you.

Namely, AMSA inspectors will undertake the FIC in conjunction with Port State Control (PSC) inspections. Any PSC deficiencies will be reported to regional PSC databases. However, deficiencies that relate only to Marine Order 43 will be recorded separately, in accordance with normal AMSA processes, and will not be reported to regional PSC databases. Inspectors will complete a checklist when conducting the focused inspections so that AMSA can collate and report on the outcomes.

Marine Order 43 is a document issued by AMSA (2018 and revised 2019) which includes regulations and requirements for the Livestock carriers operating in Australian waters. This document contains a list of 15 Divisions as below:

AMSA encourages ship owners and masters to familiarize themselves with the maintenance requirements of their vessel, and the requirements of Marine Order 43 for the carriage of livestock from Australia.

Master prior departure to review the upcoming weather forecast covering all voyage. Local stations to be checked for further information. Web services and Navtex stations to be reviewed properly in order to receive accurate forecast. In case of adverse weather conditions, all applicable control measures to be taken, based on a detailed risk assessment for passage planning.

SMS to include a detailed Maintenance program, with inspection schedule periodically as required by Marine Order 43. Documented evidence from inspections/ work schedules / maintenance to be available for inspection on board. Verification of inspections to be conducted during superintendents visits on board or during remote audits/inspections.

Both power sources (Main / secondary) to be checked prior departure for functioning. Crew to perform a training session regarding power sources for eductor and pumps. Operation of systems to be demonstrated during training.

As per item #3, during training all required actions for power supply of systems to be demonstrated. Responsible officers to be familiar with main and secondary sources of power and in case of failure, the immediate restoration actions to start systems.

Fans, and ventilators to be checked prior departure for effective functioning. Open/close position to be effectively marked. Crew to be familiar with the ventilation system actions required for each space regarding ventilation.

The condition of the ship and its equipment to be maintained properly to conform with the SOLAS regulations and ensure that the ship is safe to start voyage without danger to the ship or persons on board. After completion of any survey, no change to be made in the structural arrangements, machinery, equipment and other items covered by the survey, without the sanction of the Administration.

Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered, either of which affects the safety of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its life-saving appliances or other equipment, the master or owner of the ship shall report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the nominated surveyor or recognized organization responsible for issuing the relevant certificate, who shall cause investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey, is necessary.

If the ship is in a port of another Contracting Government, the master or owner shall also report immediately to the appropriate authorities of the port state and the nominated surveyor or recognized organization shall ascertain that such a report has been made.

Approved stability manual & software to be used for calculations prior departure. The calculations to be available for inspection of PSCO if requested. Ballasting requirements to take into consideration the loading condition and the stability calculations as applicable.

Detailed inspection program to be implemented for appropriate function and condition of watertight doors. Remote means of control to be checked periodically and be tested prior departure. Crew to be familiar with the operation and control of watertight doors. Means which prevent the watertight door to be firmly closed, to be removed. 152ee80cbc

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