Health Benefits Of Drinking Amla Juice

Amla, or better known as Indian gooseberry offers multiple health benefits. It is considered as a super food across the world as it helps treat a host of diseases and promote positive health. Amla is extensively used as a rejuvenation in Ayurveda. It is also used widely in combination with aloe Vera extracts or juice.

Ayurveda describes Amla as a cooling, astringent, digestive, laxative, stomachs, and aphrodisiac medicine. It also reduces the feverish sensation and has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Due to its numerous therapeutic effects on various human organs and systems, amla is useful in problems ranging from chest diseases such as cough, asthma, and bronchitis, digestive ailments like dyspepsia, hyper acidity and ulcers and anemia, jaundice, diabetes, bleeding conditions, eye diseases, various kinds of allergies and other skin problems, and also in gynecological problems.

Let’s now discuss amazing health benefits of amla , a super food -

1. Amla aids digestion

This Indian gooseberry strengthens absorption and assimilation of food. It improves digestion and stimulates our taste buds to enjoy food better. It is easily suited to everyone. You can also use it to counter the effects of heat in the body. It aids in better absorption of iron. It also acts as a laxative when taken in large doses due to its high fiber content.

Amla is best used as an ingredient in our diet regularly. It can be beautifully used as an alternative to tamarind, lemon or such other fruits to add flavour to food. It can be used as dry powder, fresh juice; or for dressing purposes.

2. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C

Amla Juice is the rich source of natural vitamin C. This vitamin C content present in amla acts as an antioxidant, fights free radicals, which cause many chronic diseases like arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems, cancer etc. Vitamin C hence helps for our body’s natural defences and healing mechanisms.

3. Amla offers anti-ageing properties

Amla boosts absorption of calcium. It helps in the formation, maintenance, and repair of bones, teeth, nails and hair. It also helps maintain natural hair colour and safeguards against premature greying. Moreover, it supports the strength of the hair follicles. Amla helps reduce hair thinning which is likely with age.

4. Amla enhances protein absorption

Amla enhances protein absorption in the human body by means of which bodily tissues, including the muscles, are strengthened and toned up. Amla intake is very useful to athletes and those who exercise regularly for maintaining muscle health and eliminating toxic products.

5. Indian gooseberry reduces bad cholesterol

Amla is useful in reducing bad cholesterol and helps in preventing arterial blockages that may cause heart attack or stroke.

6. Comforts chest congestion

Amla when consumed in its natural form, helps reduce chest congestion and facilitate the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract. It helps soothe and heal inflamed airways and hence, is useful in cough, bronchitis, and other problems of the respiratory system.

7. An excellent brain and nerve tonic

Amla is a very good brain and nerve tonic. It improves memory, tolerance, and nerve function.

8. It helps build immunity

Amla helps in elimination of body toxins. It strengthens the liver and its regular use results in an efficient defence system of the body against harmful substances.

9. Helps in treating Diabetes

Amla and turmeric, in combination, helps in treating the problem of diabetes.

10. Helps In Weight Loss

The biggest reason behind obesity is the slow metabolic rate of the body. Amla juice helps in improving the metabolism of the body. By controlling the body toxins, consumption of amla juice helps you in shedding those extra kilos that you have gained.

11. In bone development and strength

Our bones start becoming weak with age. Drinking amla juice is a great way of strengthening them. Drinking this juice everyday regularly helps make your bones strong.

12. For glowing and attractive face

Drinking amla juice helps get a natural glow on your face. Its antioxidant properties help slow down the ageing process and make you look younger. Drinking the juice regularly reduces the appearance of ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Amla detoxifies your body internally and gives you a natural and beautiful glow.

13. Helpful During menstruation

Minerals and vitamins present in amla help in providing relief from pain during menstruation. Amla juice helps ease out heavy bleeding, have irregular periods and also pain in the back during menstruation cycle. Amla juice is beneficial during this time.

Conclusion -

We all are well aware about the goodness of amla or Indian gooseberry for ages now. Amla is known to be beneficial for our overall well being. Amla also offers medicinal properties that keep a lot of health issues at bay. To enjoy its amazing health benefits, we must include it to our everyday diet. Women are recommended to have it on a regular basis as it has essential nutrients like vitamin C, iron, vitamin B complex and offers anti-aging and antioxidant properties.

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