Counselling Experts are Urgently Needed

The post-Covid world is a space that has been radically affected by the protective measures that were implemented the world over for combating the pandemic. The most sustained impact of the pandemic has been the intense mental pressure that has come with the various lockdowns and stay-at-home orders that were enforced. People were forced to limit personal social interaction, and in many cases, the enforced isolation in a restricted space has led to mental issues of various complexities. Interpersonal relationships within households have been especially strained in these times, leading to an increased dependence on professional counsellors for help.

The Essential Work of a Psychologist

With even the World Health Organization recognizing that the pandemic has led to a widespread crisis of mental health all across the world, it should come as no surprise that graduates of MA clinical psychology colleges in India are in great demand nowadays. While this is not a new career or a new field of work, in India, mental health was never seen to be so important. Nowadays, mental health is seen as being as important as physical health, and young counsellors from MA clinical psychology colleges in Gwalior can hope for a boost in career opportunities.

The job profiles of young post-graduates from one of the best MA clinical psychology colleges in India are many, and can span a variety of core businesses, from corporate houses looking for an in-house consultant to the more traditional clinics which are always keen to hire young talent. Of course, one of the most popular and definitely most helpful fields is that of the children’s counsellor in schools and colleges, and similar educational establishments. This is a field where the talents of postgraduates from MA clinical psychology colleges in Gwalior can find their perfect fit and utilization.

The Careers of Psychologists

Of course, there is another excellent career choice that can be made right now, especially at a time when many individuals are looking for personalised care. This is the option of working as an independent counsellor or psychologist with an independent practice. This is a career that may take some time to establish, as the number of people who take consultation will be initially quite low. But as your reputation improves, and your practice picks up, the number of clients who come for consultation will incrementally increase.

And of course, a great career also includes financial success in the long term. Counsellors can earn fairly good salaries in the beginning of their careers. This can range between 1 and 6 lakh rupees per annum, based on the job role and employer. And, as noted before, the amount of money that can be earned by qualified and reputed counsellors, especially in independent practice, increases exponentially with experience.

Consequently, it can be said that clinical psychology is a field that brings not only satisfaction from helping others, but also provides a brilliant career option. MA clinical psychology colleges in India are the best option for youngsters.