About Me

NEW! I am co-organising a Masterclass of Derived Category Methods in Ring Theory and registration is open! The masterclass is aimed at PhD students and postdocs.

I have been selected to be a member of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy, which promotes and supports early-career mathematicians across Europe.

Since Mar 2021, I have been a postdoc in the Aarhus Homological Algebra Group at Aarhus University, Denmark.

I was an LMS Early Career Fellow with support from Heilbronn (Dec 2020–Feb 2021) at University of Leeds

I was a postdoc (Nov 2019–Nov 2020) at Newcastle University as part of the Higher Dimensional Homological Algebra project.

I completed my PhD, titled Partial cluster-tilted algebras via twin cotorsion pairs, quasi-abelian categories and Auslander-Reiten theory, under the supervision of  Prof. Bethany R. Marsh at University of Leeds in 2019.


My CV can be found here.

Research Interests

Representation theory of algebras; tilting theory; Auslander–Reiten theory; cluster theory; classical & higher homological algebra; triangulated, exact and non-abelian categories and their higher counterparts; category theory

Papers/Preprints arXiv | Google Scholar


Aarhus University (Lectures & Problems classes, MSc supervision, reading courses)

University Teesside (Lectures & Problems classes)

Newcastle University (Lectures & Problems classes)

University of Leeds (Problems classes)

University of Illinois at Chicago (Problems classes)

University of Warwick (Supervisions)

