Annamaria Milazzo

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I am currently a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Houston and a research consultant for the World Bank. My fields of interest are Development Economics, Health Economics, and the Economics of Gender.

Download my CV here

My Google scholar page



Customary Norms, Inheritance and Human Capital. Evidence from a Reform of the Matrilineal System in Ghana  (joint with Eliana La Ferrara), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 166-85, 2017. Previous version: BREAD Working Paper No. 428, and CEPR Discussion Paper No. 10159, September 2014.

          Policy and media coverage: VoxDev

Women Left Behind? Poverty and Headship in Africa. (joint with Dominique van de Walle), Demography, Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 1119-1145, 2017.  

Why Are Adult Women Missing? Son Preference and Maternal Survival in India (first version: October 2012), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 134, pp. 467-484, 2018. Previous version: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6802, March 2014.

Governance and Women’s Economic and Political Participation. Power Inequalities, Formal Constraints, and Norms.  (joint with Markus Goldstein), World Bank Research Observer,  Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 34-64, 2019. Previous and longer version: Background paper for the 2017 World Development Report (pdf)

Government of Malawi’s Unconditional Cash Transfer Improves Youth Mental Health  (joint with Gustavo Angeles, Jacob de Hoop, Kelly Kilburn, Sudhanshu Handa, and Amber Peterman), Social Science & Medicine, Volume 225, pp. 108-119, 2019.

Long-term well-being among survivors of the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides (joint with Jose Cuesta), Journal of Development Studies, Volume 57, Issue 8, pp. 1413-1427, 2021.

Nutrition, Religion and Widowhood in Nigeria. (joint with Dominique van de Walle), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 69, Issue 3, pp. 951-1001, 2021.

Government unconditional cash transfer and safe transitions to adulthood among youth in Malawi (joint with Monica Lambon-Quayefio, Amber Peterman, Sudhanshu Handa, Adria Molotsky, Frank Otchere, Peter Mvula, Maxton Tsoka, Jacob de Hoop, Gustavo Angeles, and Kelly Kilburn), World Development, Volume 175, 106483, available online December 2023.


Development and Nutrition: the Role of Social Norms. (joint with Eliana La Ferrara), EGEA publishing (Bocconi University Press), 2015. Also translated into Italian "Sviluppo e Nutrizione: il Ruolo delle Norme Sociali"

Slides from a talk I gave at the Center for Child Well-Being and Development Annual Conference 2017, University of Zurich, March 18, 2017 here


Working papers & work in progress

Son Preference, Maternal Health and Women’s Survival: A Cross-Cultural Analysis  (joint with Neha Agarwal), R&R, Economic Development and Cultural Change

        Policy and media coverage: Ideas for India

Racial Disparities in Maternal Health: the Role of Preexisting Health Conditions. (June 5, 2024). Available at SSRN:

Explaining the Performance Gender Gap Among Informal Businesses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (joint with Markus Goldstein, David McKenzie, and Julia Vaillant)

Son Preference, Fertility and Family Structure. Evidence from Reproductive Behavior among Nigerian Women, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6869, May 2014 (pdf).  

        Policy and media coverage: The Economist, "Fertility and son-preference in Nigeria. Bring back the girls.", July 19th 2014

Child Labor: a Gender Perspective (joint with Furio Rosati)


Policy-related working papers and book chapters

Non-Contributory Social Protection and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Report prepared for the UNICEF MENA Regional Office (August 2017)

World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law. Washington, DC: World Bank (core team member in charge of the contributions related to gender issues for the entire report)

The Role of Public Works Programs in sub-Saharan Africa. (with Carlo del Ninno), World Bank Working Paper, Africa Region

Social Safety Nets in World Bank Lending and Analytical Work, 2002-07. (with Margaret Grosh), Chapter 5 in "Social Protection and Labor at the World Bank, 2000-08" World Bank book publication, 2009

How to Make Public Works Work: A Review of the Experiences. (with Carlo del Ninno and Kalanidhi Subbarao), World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0905, 2009

For Protection & Promotion: The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets. World Bank book publication, 2008, by Margaret Ellen Grosh, Carlo del Ninno, Azedine Ouerghi, Emil Tesliuc (with the assistance of Annamaria Milazzo and Christine Weigand)

Highly Labor-Intensive Public Works in Madagascar: Issues and Policy Options. (with Nirina Haja Andrianjaka), World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0836, 2008

Social Safety Nets in World Bank Lending and Analytic Works, 2002-2006. (with Margaret Grosh), World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0705, 2007



Gender-based violence, power and norms, blog on Let's Talk Development