Being a ruff arse I do this type of of thing on the PC with winuae (AF) is there any benefit doing this with an amiga other than staying with the original hardware?

Of course I use compact flash but do have the cables to do it with a normal Hard Drive.

OK you have a HD, CF, SD, SCSI disk? attach it to some kind of adapter to your PC. Somewhat wrong I will use a USB stick here, even if it will not physically work on an amiga. the handling is the exact same thing:

Amiga Hard File Download

Download Zip šŸ”„ šŸ”„

The first thing the sensible user does is make backup copies of

the original floppies. These can be written to and if they fail you

recopy them. The originals only go in the machine for copying. But it appears that you are having a problem writing to the

hard disk. Are you using the install disk to boot from?Ā 

You need to get the partitions set up so that the RDB can

be defined as a place for the information to be written to, later

Ā bliss -- C O C O A Powered... (at california dot com)--Ā 

Ā bobbie sellers - (Back to Angband) Team *AMIGA*

Formerly of AWest - San Francisco's Amiga Users Group

i had similar problems on occassion. (and similarly on a pc.) i foundĀ 

that if the amiga couldn't format the drive, a complete formatting on anĀ 

adaptec controller allowed the amiga to then successfully format.Ā 

vice-versa on the pc.--


greg (non-hyphenated american)

Ā ~kimnach

And then the bomb dropped. I bought the machine home, and tried desperately to impress my friends and even myself. I had like 1 or 2 commercial games, Marble Madness, and F/A 18 or something. And a couple of lame arcade game ports. I swear these ports could be written pixel for pixel, in BASIC, on a previous 8-bit machine. That bad. OR, perhaps, totally wasting what potential there was in the Amiga hardware.

The Amiga hardly existed in the US marketplace. The C64 was sold everywhere, and made a huge impact, while the Amiga was sold almost nowhere. By the time people that had a C64 were ready to move on, or never had a computer, the PC was being sold everywhere, so the Amiga never had a chance. Packard Bell and Acer were everywhere and played Doom.

I later worked for a dealer in a fairly large city (Atlanta, and we were the only Commodore dealer left) from about 92-96 (the later years) and all of our revenue was Video Toaster sales. If not for that, they would hardly exist. When the 1200 came out, we did sell quite a few of them, but that trickled off by 93 or so...

Before the Amiga, I had been using 8-bit machines at home, but had access to a smattering of minicomputer and workstation hardware, and when I saw the Amiga 1000, my jaw hit the floor, because here was a machine that could push pixels faster than any Sun or SGI that I saw at the time, for....1/10th the price.

Initially while working on my article about the Multi-Evolution SCSI controller for the Amiga 500 I had bought a very cheap 2nd hand SCSI hard drive on E-bay. The drive did not have the correct connector for use with the Multi-Evolution, but another E-bay session later and I had acquired a cheap convertor PCB that fixed the issue. The hard drive then refused to spin up properly, mainly because it required considerably more current than the Amiga 500 was designed to source. Back to E-bay to find me another drive... Luckily, the second one I bought could use the same pin convertor, span up and was recognised by the controller, so I put that one to the side for writing the article.

While it made an interesting subject for an article, I had now also learned that finding a cheap and working 2nd hand SCSI hard drive that was also compatible with my setup was not straightforward. For each potential drive I found I now also had to search the Internet for the specifications and check that the spin-up current was not too high. For my article I intended to write about something other people could do as well, while my working 2nd hand drive started to feel more like some one-off I had been lucky enough to find. So I looked around for a solution that depended less on random 2nd hand finds on auction sites.

I knew about projects like SCSI2SD, which emulates a SCSI hard drive while using an SD card as the actual data storage medium, but found the boards quite pricey. While searching for a cheaper alternative I came across the RaSCSI project.

Setting up the Raspberry Pi for use with the RaSCSI hardware is very straightforward. Especially so since the maintainers of the project provide a pre-configured image that can be written to a micro-SD card directly. To find the latest image go to the project's releases page, which will have the most recent release at the top. Scroll down to the "assets" section. Use a PC to download the large zip file (usually just over 580MB in size) and then use something like Etcher to write the image to a micro-SD card.

Use the OS functionality of your PC to unmount / eject the micro-SD card safely and take the card from the PC. Insert the micro-SD card in the slot of the Raspberry Pi and power up the Pi. This can be done with the Pi already connected to the RaSCSI hardware, but it may be easier to finish all the setup before placing it all inside the SCSI controller enclosure.

Clicking the link will bring up a new page where a choice can be made from a number of profiles for existing hard drives. Each of these profiles will emulate an existing hard drive as close as possible. To keep things simple I chose the DEC RZ28M drive since a size of 2GB should be compatible with most Amiga controllers. Firmware and drivers will use 32 bits numbers and for unsigned integers that gives a range from 0 to 4.29 GB. However, if signed integers were used instead then the range is from -2.15 GB to 2.15 GB and this could lead to data corruption for anything larger than 2.15 GB, hence my 2 GB choice of disk size.

The new, empty, hard drive provided by the RaSCSI first needs to be partitioned and then formatted. How this is done depends on the SCSI controller. In my case I will need to run the "SCSIInstall" tool that can be found on the Multi-Evolution install disk. This tool will partition the hard drive, format the partitions, and finally copy the contents of my favourite Workbench disk to the first partition on the hard drive. At the end it reboots the Amiga so that it can boot from the hard drive image for the very first time.

The Multi-Evolution install disk also contains the DiskPerf program, originally from Fish disk number 187. The program executes a number of basic performance tests and then prints the result. I have run the test with the RaSCSI using the Raspberry Pi Zero 2, but also with the RaSCSI using an old Raspberry Pi 1B+. This 1B+ was the Pi I used to set everything up initially and only switched to the Zero 2 at a later stage. For comparison I have also run the test with the Quantum LPS52 hard drive that was always used with this system. The RaSCSI software on the Pi is the December 2021 release.

Most of the values are either the same or in the same ballpark, with the only outlier being the number of files created per second on the Quantum LPS52 hard disk. This can be easily explained by the fact that this hard disk has a lot of files on it already, with the free space likely being quite fragmented. But since this is my old hard drive from back in the day I'm not prepared to either clear the drive or to defrag it.

Tried installing Civilisation to the hard drive but it fails with a software failure. It looks like the internal floppy in the A500 is dodgy because it seems to install okay from DF1:. Watch out for more post about this drive.

I own many Commodore Amigas, and most of them actually work. On one of my Amiga 500s, I've been recently trying to get a decent SCSI hard disk drive working via a GVP Impact II A500-HD+ sidecar expansion unit.

I'd already read up on Gimon's original RaSCSI (since forked as PiSCSI on Github), which is an adapter for the Raspberry Pi to enable it to present file-based SCSI 'device-images' to any standard SCSI controller over the GPIO pins. But having a powerful Raspberry Pi acting as a 'dumb' SCSI device chain just didn't sit well with me. Also, it takes an age to boot up, which can be an issue if you have to hard reset your Amiga frequently.

So here I am, finally with an unmodified Amiga 500, running Kickstart 1.3, booting from a 3.9GB SCSI drive, and I'm very happy. As much as I want period-correct retro computing, I guess I just have to accept that some things, like old SCSI hard disks, are just too much hassle to bother with.

MorphOS supports Amiga's RDB partition layout and 68k filesystems also do work under the internal 68k emulation. It means that you can use and prepare Amiga's hard drives directly under MorphOS without any external emulators. You can connect the drives to the internal IDE or SATA bus, or externally to USB, for example. MorphOS machines are much faster than the original Amigas and that's why it's usually much more comfortable to prepare, copy, and install stuff on the MorphOS than on a real Amiga. MorphOS is also fully compatible with all the Amiga's file attributes, everything will be preserved when unpacking and installing software.

Another possible option could be to use an Amiga emulator that runs on Linux like FS-UAE and point it to the raw device as a hard disk. Although it does not seem to be officially supported, people have reported it to work (scroll down to "Using real Hard Drives"). That has the added benefit that you would be able to use native Amiga programs in order to retrieve your documents. You would then use another (Linux-native) directory mounted to the emulated Amiga top copy your files over. e24fc04721

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