Advancing Machine and Human Reasoning (AMHR) Lab

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them." - Alfred North Whitehead

Welcome! The Advancing Machine and Human Reasoning Lab (AMHR, pronounced "ah-moor"), led by Professor John Licato in USF's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, is a cross-disciplinary NLP (natural language processing) and cognitive modeling lab dedicated to answering the following guiding research questions:

  • How can artificial intelligence make people better reasoners?

  • How can we create better artificially intelligent reasoners?

  • How can we advance our knowledge of logic and other cognitive-level reasoning processes in order to produce better conclusions, justifications, and arguments?

We're devoted to not only creating smarter AI, but ensuring that these advances help improve, rather than replace, human reasoners. Think of what word processing software did for humanity: it has spell-checking, it takes care of document formatting, and allows people to focus more on the creative production of high-quality, professional documents. In other words, the combination of people and word processing software together does better than either one can do alone.

For more information on our projects, see our research page.

If you want to work with us, please follow the instructions here.

AMHR Lab members, Fall 2022

Are you interested in joining the lab as an undergraduate or graduate student?

See our latest updates, and read about our current and past research projects.

Contact: Come visit us at ENB 224, or contact Dr. Licato.